New games and content are available on the US PlayStation Store with seven new PS4 games, four new PS3 games and two new PS Vita games added to the store. New games include inFAMOUS First Light (PS4), Metro 2033 Redux (PS4), OlliOlli (PS3) and Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC, themes and avatars.
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Posts tagged "Update"
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 20th 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with six new PS4 games, four new PS3 games and three new PS Vita games added to the store. New games include Hotline Miami (PS4), Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare (PS3, PS4), Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3) and Crimsonland (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC, a few discounts for PlayStation Plus subscribers and a Rockstar Sale.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 19th 2014

New content is available on the North America PlayStation Store with lots of new games to enjoy, including Diablo III (PS4, PS3), Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PS4, PS3) and CounterSpy (PS3, PS Vita). In total, six new PS4 games, five new PS3 games and four new PS Vita games have been added to the store. You can also find new DLC and PS3 themes and avatars.
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 13th 2014

New content is available in Europe this week, with three new PS4 games, two PS3 games and three new PS Vita games. New games include Hohokum (cross-buy), Risen 3:Titan Lords (PS3), and Gravity Crash Ultra (PS Vita). You can also find new PlayStation Plus discounts, and DLC for all three platforms.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 12th 2014

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, with three new PS4 games, three new PS3 games and six new PS Vita games, including Hohokum (cross-buy), Akiba’s Trip: Undead and Undressed (PS3, PS Vita) and Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3). You can also find new DLC content for the PS3 and PS Vita, and some new themes and avatars for the PS3.
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 6th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with six new games added to the Instant Game Collection, including newly released Road Not Taken (PS4) and Metrico (PS Vita). You can also find three new PS4 games, three new PS3 games and three new PS Vita games, including The Swapper, Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS3) and Table Top Racing (PS Vita).
US PlayStation Store Update for August 5th 2014

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, with pre-orders opening up for a number of upcoming games, including LittleBigPlanet 3 and Assassin’s Creed Unity. You can also find three new PS4 games, three new PS3 games and four new PS Vita games to enjoy, along with this month’s Instant Game Collection.Read More
EU PlayStation Store Update for July 30th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with several new games added. New games include The Last of Us Remastered (PS4), Pure Pool (PS4), Rogue Legacy (Cross-buy) and LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC content for all three platforms.
US PlayStation Store Update for July 29th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, which also happens to be the last update for July. New games includes The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4), Pure Pool (PS4), Rogue Legacy (PS3, PS Vita), Ratchet & Clank Collection (PS Vita), and more. You can also find new pre-orders and DLC for all three PlayStation platforms.
EU PlayStation Store Update for July 23rd 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store today with a new PS4 game, five new PS3 games and a couple of new PS Vita games. New game include Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty (PS4), Entwined (Cross-buy across all platforms), The Walking Dead: Season 2, Ep. 4 (PS3, Vita). You can also find new DLC for all three platforms, new PS Mobile games and new Deals of the Week.