This week on the PlayStation Store, the Bayonetta Demo is now available to download from both the European and US Stores. The European Store has special offers on a number of PSP and PS3 titles and add-on content. Just in time for Christmas, you can pickup a free Santa Costume for Sackboy (EU and US) or download some premium Christmas themes from the US Store. A new episode of PULSE is available to download as well as the December issue of Qore.
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Posts tagged "Update"
PlayStation Video Store Update for Nov 27th 2009

The US PlayStation Video Store hasn’t been updated this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday but the European Store has been. See the list of new titles for the UK, Spain, Germany and France below. The Dan Brown promotion is still running on the European Store until the end of this month. If you buy Angels & Demons from the store, you will recieve a voucher code to download The Da Vinci Code for free.
PlayStation Store Update for Nov 26th 2009

On the European PSP PlayStation Store this week, many new games are available for download, including Breath of Fire 3 and NBA 2K10. There are also two new PSP Minis titles available for purchase: Blast Off and Dracula. As you may have seen, the US PSP Store was updated earlier this week.
PlayStation Store Update For Nov 26th 2009

This week on the European PlayStation Store, the first two episodes of the Uncharted 2: Eye of Indra motion comics are now available download – the first episode of which is free. Two new playable demos are available too along with a new downloadable game and a PSOne classic. The US PlayStation Store was updated yesterday, in case you missed it.
PlayStation Store Update for Nov 25th 2009

The US PlayStation Store has received a early update this week to celebrate Thanksgiving. On the US Store this week, you will find a number of games discounted until December 2nd as well as Episode 2 of the Uncharted Motion Comic. Three new downloadable games are available for purchase as well as a number of PSOne classics and playable demos. You can expect the European PlayStation Store to be update as usual tomorrow.
PSP System Software Ver. 6.20
- The XMB (XrossMediaBar) menu has been redesigned.
- Extras has been added as a new category and [Digital Comics] has been added as an application under that category.
Photo / Video
- You can now import photo and video playlists that you created using the Media Go application or a PS3 system and enjoy the playlists on your PSP system.
- The Video Store of PlayStation Store is now available in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain.
System Software Ver. 3.10
- The sign-in ID and password for PlayStation Network have been added as items that can be deleted when using [Restore Default Settings]
- [Polski] has been added as an option under [System Settings] > [System Language]
- Displaying photos in a grid
- You can now change the background colour of your profile screen
PlayStation Network
- Linking feature for Facebook
- The Video Store of PlayStation Store is now available in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain. In PlayStation Store, you can download video content as a purchase or for free. You can also rent content that has time restrictions on playback.
PlayStation Store Update for Nov 19th 2009

This week on the PSP PlayStation Store, Europe has a few special offers on titles, including Medal of Honor. LittleBigPlanet is available to download from both the US and European Stores, as well as Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines. A LittleBigPlanet demo is available on the US Store too. Check out the list of new content below.
PlayStation Store Update for Nov 19th 2009

This week on the PlayStation Store, Europe has more special offers on a number of titles, as well as a few new downloadable games. Invincible Tiger is finally available to download in Europe and the Metal Gear Solid PSOne Classic is also available to purchase. adHocParty is available to download in the US, as well as a new playable demo. A new episode of PULSE is also available for viewing.
VidZone Update for Nov 19th 2009

This week on VidZone, a brand new Lady GaGa video is available for viewing as well as new playlists. Alicia Keys’ new single “Doesn’t Mean Anything” is also available for viewing as well as Powderfinger’s new single “All of the Dreamers”. Both Alicia and Powderfinger are this week’s featured artists. New playlists include the Celebrity Playlist and Total Dance.