The God of War: Ascension single-player demo will be releasing to all PlayStation Network users from today. The demo will be made available in North America as part of today’s PlayStation Store update, and will be releasing in Europe as part of tomorrow’s update. In addition, a new single-player trailer trailer for the game has also been released.
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Posts tagged "Trailer"
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Gets Official Trailer

An official trailer for upcoming title The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct has been released, showing more footage of the game. It’s got a lot to live up to thanks to the highly successful The Walking Dead series by Telltale Games. The game releases on the PS3 and Xbox 360 next month.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Launch Trailer

The fourth title in the Sly Cooper series is now available in North America, but wont be available in Europe until late next month – March 27th 2013 to be exact. The official launch trailer for the game has been release, which we have conveniently included for you below.
Aliens: Colonial Marines “Kick Ass” Trailer

Gearbox and SEGA have released a new trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines, titled “Kick Ass”. If you like a bit of swearing in your game (lets face it, who doesn’t?) then you should definitely watch this trailer. Aliens: Colonial Marines will be released on February 12th 2013, but in the mean time, check out the trailer below.
New Trailer for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Released

Sony has released a new trailer for upcoming PS3 and PS Vita title Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. The new trailer shows off new gameplay, specifically Sly and the team pulling off a heist on the “Turning Japanese” level in the game. The game will be releasing in February 5th 2013 in North America, and on March 27th 2013 in Europe.
DMC: Devil May Cry Cinematic Trailer Released

Capcom have released a new trailer of their upcoming Devil May Cry reboot, DMC: Devil May Cry, which launches on the PS3 in just a few weeks. A demo of the game has been available on the PlayStation Store since November 2012, and can be pre-ordered from the Store too. Check out the CG trailer below.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Trailer

A new trailer has been released to the third game in the Final Fantasy XIII series. Lightning Returns is the sequel to Final Fantasy XIII-2, and features Lightning as the main character. The game includes new costumes, new abilities, and influence from a certain Ubisoft franchise.
New “The Last Of Us” Teaser Trailer Released

Naughty Dog’s new IP, The Last of Us, has got a new teaser trailer showing off more of the game, and revealing that there’s more to come on December 10th 2012, when the game’s Story trailer is revealed. The 30-second trailer only has a few seconds of footage.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Gameplay Trailer Released

The first ever gameplay trailer for upcoming shooter Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 has been released, showing what the game will look like when it hits consoles and PCs in early 2013. The game will use of CryEnging 3 from Crytek, and is being developed by City Interactive.
Hitman: Absolution Launch Trailer

Hitman: Absolution has seen many trailers over the past few months in the run up to the game, but Square Enix has one last trailer to reveal now that the game is available to buy. The launch trailer below shows off the game in its full glory, so take a peek and enjoy.