Rockstar Games has released some new in-game footage of upcoming game Red Dead Redemption 2. The six minute gameplay video features footage directly captured from the PS4 Pro in glorious 4K resolution, showing you just how amazing the game looks.
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Posts tagged "Red Dead Redemption"
Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer #3 Released

Rockstar Games have released another trailer for upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2, which is scheduled for release on 26th October 2018. This third trailer focuses on the game’s story, and giving you a glimpse of the various characters, environments, and snippets of gameplay.
EU PlayStation Plus Update for September 2012

As announced at Gamescom last month, Rockstar’s epic open world Western adventure Red Dead Redemption joins the Instant Game Collection later today in Europe. Then, on September 12th yet more games join the collection to keep you entertained until next month.
PlayStation Plus Content for September and October Revealed

At Sony’s Gamescom Press Conference, the company revealed that Red Dead Redemption will be September’s PlayStation Plus Game of the Month, as well as an increase in cloud storage from 150MB to 1GB. In addition, Sony has revealed further titles that will be joining PlayStation Plus over the next two months.
Red Dead Redemption Game of the Year Edition Announced

Red Dead Redemption is getting a Game of the Year Edition next month, and full details were announced by Rockstar today. The new edition will be released next month, on October 11th in North America and October 14th internationally on both the PS3 and Xbox 360. The GOYT edition will include all of the downloadable content Rockstar has released for Red Dead Redemption both free and paid.
Red Dead Redemption Patch v1.03 Now Available

Red Dead Redemption has been updated to version v1.03 via a small patch. The patch is available for both the PS3 and Xbox 360 and contains a number of improvements and fixes for the game. The patch also includes new anti-griefing measures for Multiplayer Free Roam, which are detailed below.
Red Dead Redemption DLC Available Next Week

The Legends and Killers pack for Red Dead Redemption will be available for download starting August 10th for $9.99. The DLC pack adds 9 new multiplayer map locations, more than doubling the amount of territories in the multiplayer competitive modes, and also adds 8 new multiplayer characters.
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Red Dead Redemption Patch v1.02 Available

A new patch for Red Dead Redemption is now available to download. The automatic update fixes various gameplay issues and connection problems with the title, and a complete changelog can be found below. Rockstar has also confirmed that a new playlist has also been added by popular demand: Hardcore Free Roam supporting only expert aim.
Red Dead Redemption Patch Adds Co-Op Trophies

A new Red Dead Redemption patch, released over the weekend by Rockstar Games, has added a number of new trophies to the game. The patch adds 10 co-op trophies, but will only be unlockable later this month when the free Outlaws to the End co-op downloadable pack is released.