Sony has revealed that PS4 exclusive, Killzone: Shadow Fall, has sold an impressive 2.1 million units worldwide since launch. The game has been available for approximately 2 and a half months and has yet to launch in Japan. The sales figure was helped by the fact that the game was bundles with the PS4 in at least two varieties.
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Posts tagged "PS4"
Sony Reveals PS4 Outselling Xbox One 3:2 in the UK

Sony has revealed that the PlayStation brand is making a big turnaround this generation in the UK, with the PS4 outselling the Xbox One at 3:2 ratio. Sony’s UK MD Fergal Gara talked of Sony’s wish to reclaim the UK market in a press conference this morning.
EU PlayStation Store Update for January 29th 2014

New content has been added to the European PlayStation Store today, bring new titles to the Instant Game Collection for the PS3 and PS Vita. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is now available to pre-order, while Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is now available for the PS4.
US PlayStation Store Update for January 28th 2014

New content is available on the North American PlayStation Store, with Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition now available on the PS4, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII available for pre-order on the PS3. New PS3 and PS Vita games are available too, along with new DLC and PlayStation Plus content.
PlayStation Now Closed Beta Invites Going Out

If you signed up to take part in the PlayStation Now beta and live in the UK, start checking your inbox. Sony is starting to send out invites to access the PlayStation Now closed beta, allowing you to try out the service before the full launch this summer.
PS1 and PS2 Games May Come to PS4 Via Emulation

While PlayStation Now will allow PS3 games to be played on the PS4, PS Vita and other devices, an inside source reveals that PS1 and PS2 games will be playable on the PS4 via emulation. Eurogamer’s source also reveals that the PS4 will be able to upscale these games to HD resolution.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Gets PS4 Release Date

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will be launching on the PS4 on April 14th, following a beta test, which starts on February 22nd 2014. Gamers who own the PS3 version will be able to transfer their content over to the PS4 version for free.
New inFamous: Second Son Trailer Goes Behind the Scenes

Sucker Punch Productions has released a new trailer for upcoming PS4 exclusive inFamous: Second Son, which goes behind the scenes in the development of the game to show you how the city of Seattle was created. The trailer shows you how the developers added rain and other effects to the game to make the game feel like you’re really walking down the streets of Seattle.
FIFA 14 Tops UK Games Chart for 4th Week

The top three games in the UK Games Chart remain unchanged this week, with FIFA 14 continue to lead for the forth week running. Lego Marvel Super Heroes has managed to climb one place, knocking down Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag down to fifth place. PS4 exclusive Killzone: Shadow Fall has also dropped a place to 7th place.
Warframe Patched to v11.5, Trophy Support Added

Warframe on PlayStation 4 has been patched to version v11.5 and brings the game inline with the PC version. The patch also adds trophy support to the game, adding a total of 20 trophies with one gold and two silver ones. The patch also adds new weapons, and a new Warframe, Oberon, which is “equally adept at healing friends or striking down the enemy.”