New content is available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with two new PS4 games and six new PS Vita games added to the store. September’s line-up of games for the Instant Game Collection are also available to download, which includes titles like Velocity 2X, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Joe Danger.
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Posts tagged "PS4"
Custom Themes Coming to PS4 and PS Vita in Next Firmware Updates

Sony has announced that new firmwares for the PS4 and PS Vita are in the works that will allow further customisation of the consoles. Firmware 2.0 for the PS4 will add Custom Themes, similar to the dynamic themes seen on the PS3, allowing you to finally customise the look and sound of the Dynamic Menu.
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 27th 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with six new PS4 games, three new PS3 games and a new PS Vita game. New games include inFAMOUS First Light, Madden NFL 15, The Walking Dead: Season 2, Ep. 5 and Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth1. You can also find new DLC and other content.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 26th 2014

New games and content are available on the US PlayStation Store with seven new PS4 games, four new PS3 games and two new PS Vita games added to the store. New games include inFAMOUS First Light (PS4), Metro 2033 Redux (PS4), OlliOlli (PS3) and Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC, themes and avatars.
Minecraft on PS4 Fails Certification Testing, Could Be Delayed

Minecraft was slated to launch on the PS4 and PS Vita this month, but may now be delayed as the PS4 version has failed final testing with Sony. 4J Studios, the developers behind the console versions of the game, recently tweeted a status update on the game. Although the developer didn’t confirm the delay, it’s safe to assume that going through the quality assurance process at Sony will delay the game.
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 20th 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with six new PS4 games, four new PS3 games and three new PS Vita games added to the store. New games include Hotline Miami (PS4), Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare (PS3, PS4), Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3) and Crimsonland (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC, a few discounts for PlayStation Plus subscribers and a Rockstar Sale.
Destiny is the Most Pre-Ordered New IP In History

Acording to Gamestop, Bungie’s Destiny has become the most pre-ordered new IP in history, with the PS4 receiving the most pre-orders. The beta for the game took place in July, with over 4.6 million players experiencing what the game has to offer. The game is scheduled for release in September, along with a exclusive White PS4 bundle.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 19th 2014

New content is available on the North America PlayStation Store with lots of new games to enjoy, including Diablo III (PS4, PS3), Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PS4, PS3) and CounterSpy (PS3, PS Vita). In total, six new PS4 games, five new PS3 games and four new PS Vita games have been added to the store. You can also find new DLC and PS3 themes and avatars.
PES 2015 PS4 Footage Released

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 is the first PES title to make the jump to next-generation consoles after Konami decided to skip porting the 2014 version of the game to the PS4 and Xbox One. As Konami continue it’s push for the game, new footage has been released showing the game in action, featuring over 20 minutes of footage recorded directly from a PS4.
The Playroom: AR Studio Available Tonight on PS4

Sony has announced that The Playroom will be getting some free DLC tonight in the form of AR Studio. The DLC was first announced back at E3 2014, and allows users to further customise their surroundings for broadcasts, by adding virtual banners, animations and more. The DLC was originally titled “Set Maker”, but has since been renamed to the more fitting title of AR Studio.