At E3, Sony confirmed that the PlayStation 4 will be getting PS3 backwards compatibility using Gaikai’s streaming technology in 2014. Initially available in the US, Gaikai will provide PS3 and PS4 owners access to critically acclaimed PS3 games, streamed through cloud.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Vita"
The Walking Dead “400 Days” Coming This Summer

A new episode of Telltale’s The Walking Dead was announced at Sony’s E3 Press Conference, and will be arriving this summer. The episode, titled “400 days”, will also be coming to the PS Vita with a exclusive hardware and game bundle.
Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer Released

WB Games have released a new CG trailer for upcoming Batman title, Arkham Origins. Coming out in October 2013, the trailer confirms that the game is coming to pretty much every current game platform, including the PS Vita. Pre-ordering the game for the PS3 will mean gamers get the Deathstroke DLC pack for free, too.
Batman: Arkham Origins Announced

Gaming magazine Game Informer has revealed that Batman: Arkham Origins will be heading to the PS3 in October 2013. The game takes place years before the two previous Arkham titles “when a young, unrefined Batman encounters many supervillains for the first time”. A handheld spinoff, dubbed Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, will be coming to the PS Vita too, and will play like a “2.5D Metroid-style adventure”.
Okami HD, The Cave and More Coming to PlayStation Plus in Europe in April 2013

If you though March was a big month for PlayStation Plus, wait till you see what Sony has in store for April 2013. Sony will be adding four new titles to the Instant Game Collection in Europe next month – four for the PS3 and two for the PS Vita (one cross-buy title). The five games will be added to through the month, starting with the first update on April 3rd 2013.
Final Fantasy X-2 HD will be Included with FFX HD

Japanese games magazine Jump has confirmed that Final Fantasy X HD on the PS3 will also come with Final Fantasy X-2 HD. It looks like Square-Enix had enough time to get both games remade for the PS3 and PS Vita. On the PS Vita, however, both games will be available for purchase separately.
Sony Giving Two Free Games to Owners of Ratchet & Clank: QForce

Sony recently revealed that Ratchet & Clank: QForce on the PS Vita would be delayed to Spring 2013 to give the developers more time to polish off the game. Sony would like to make it up to those that purchased the PS3 version of the game by giving away two free games. Owners will be receiving a voucher to download MotorStorm RC by the end of the month.
Superfrog HD Coming to PS3 and PS Vita Later This Year

To celebrate Superfrog’s 20th anniversary, Team17 will be re-releasing Superfrog HD on the PS3 and PS Vita later this year. Superfrog first appeared on the Amiga back in 1993 to critical acclaim, and has been one of the most requested games from fans, according to Debbie Bestwick, Team17′s Managing Director.
Alien Breed Coming to PlayStation 3 and Vita

Team17 have announced that top-down shooter Alien Breed is coming to the PS3 and PS Vita this February. The game will support cross-save and cross-platform co-op multiplayer. The game’s story mode will include 30 levels and enhanced visuals. Better still, the game will also include unlockable trophies.
EPIX Coming to PS3 and PS Vita

Sony is always expanding the entertainment options on the PS3 and PS Vita, and the latest announcement is the launch of the EPIX app on the PlayStation Network. EPIS provides premium content, with more than 3,000 new and classic feature films, concerts, stand-up comedy and sports shows.