Lots of new content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, with three new PS4 games, three new PS3 games and five new PS Vita games added. New games include Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS4), Cel Damage HD (3-way cross buy), and Starlight Inception (PS Vita).
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Store"
EU PlayStation Store Update for April 16th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the PlayStation Store today, with new PS4, PS3 and PS Vita games, including Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition (PS4) and The Sly Trilogy (PS3, PS Vita). New DLC content for all three PlayStation platforms are available too.
EU PlayStation Store Update for April 9th 2014

A variety of new content has been added to the European PlayStation Store this week, with a number of new PS4, PS3 and PS Vita games. New games include LEGO The Hobbit, the PS4 version of Final Fantasy XIV, and Football Manager Classic on the PS Vita.
US PlayStation Store Update for April 8th 2014

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, with new PS4, PS3, and PS Vita games available for purchase. LEGO The Hobbit is available to download on all platforms, and Child of Light is available for pre-order on the PS4 and PS3.
PAL PlayStation Store Chart for March 2014

Sony has released the PlayStation Store chart for Europe, revealing the top selling games on the PS3, PS4 and PS Vita. As expected, inFAMOUS Second Son was the top selling title on the PS4, while Minecraft is still the top selling PS3 title for the forth month running.
EU PlayStation Store Update for April 2nd 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with a number of new PS4, PS3 and PS Vita titles available for download, including Mercenary Kings (PS4), MLB 14 The Show (PS3, PS Vita) and Grand Theft Auto: iFruit.
US PlayStation Store Update for April 1st 2014

The first PlayStation Store update for April is now live in North America, with lots of new content available for download. New games include Mercenary Kings (PS4), which is free to download if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber; and MLB 14 The Show (PS3, PS Vita).
EU PlayStation Store Update for March 26th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the European PlayStation Store, including cross-buy title FEZ, Deception IV: Blood Ties (PS3, PS Vita) and free-to-play title Destiny of Spirits (PS Vita). New DLC content is also available too, and GTA V is this week’s Deal of the Week.
US PlayStation Store Update for March 25th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the North American PlayStation Store, including new PS4, PS3 and PS Vita games. New games include Fez (all platforms), Deception IV Blood Ties (PS3, PS Vita), and Destiny of Spirits (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC content, a whole bunch of avatars and other new content.
EU PlayStation Store Update for March 19th 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store with a massive number of new PS4, PS3 and PS Vita games. New games include inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4), Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes (PS4, PS3) and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (PS3, PS Vita).