This week’s PlayStation Video Store update adds plenty of new content for you to enjoy over the weekend (see below). There are almost 50 new movies to download and over 30 new TV shows available to purchase. As for this weeks top downloaded movies, He’s Just Not That Into You is in top place followed by Gran Torino and Taken. Check out the list of new content below as well as all the top downloads of this week.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Store"
PlayStation Store Update for June 11th 2009

This week’s PlayStation Store is a huge one for both Europe and the US. There are a number of new downloadable games available on both stores as well as new playable demos. VidZone is now available to download in Europe too. There is plenty of new game add-on content too, including the new Killzone 2 map pack: Flash and Thunder, new LittleBigPlanet costumes, Saints Row 2 content and more. Check out the complete list below.
PlayStation Video Store Update For June 5th 2009

This week, a new “Inspired by Video Games” section has been added to the US Video Store, featuring movies and TV shows that first dazzled the video game world before they lit up the big and small screens. Now, you can download all the action, stunning visuals and spectacular sequences, brought to you by PlayStation Network. As for regular content, there are loads of new movies and TV shows now available to download (check out the list below).
PlayStation Store Update for June 4th 2009

This week’s regular PlayStation Store update in now live. Final Fantasy VII is now available on the European PlayStation Store and the second special episode of Pulse is available to download from the US Store. Both stores have received new downloadable games and playable demos. As there were two other PlayStation Store updates this week, the usual weekly update is much smaller than normal – check out the complete list of new content below.
Final Fantasy VII Coming To Europe Today

Final Fantasy VII was made available on the US PlayStation Store earlier this week after Sony’s E3 Press Conference. PAL gamers will be glad to hear that Final Fantasy VII will be made available on the European PlayStation Store as part of today’s weekly PlayStation Store update. There were no details on pricing but we speculate that it will cost between £5.99 – £7.99 based on the US PlayStation Store price of $9.99.
Read MoreE3 2009: PlayStation Store Updates for June 3rd 2009

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US Additions:
- Add-on Game Content
- High Velocity Bowling
- Character – Carlos Caliente
- Character – Milan Travallage
- High Velocity Bowling
- Videos
- E3 Press Conference Video Parts 2 and 3
- E3 Press Conference Opening Sizzle
- PS3 Software Sizzle
- PSP Software Sizzle
- Game Videos
- Assassin’s Creed 2 E3 Cinematic Trailer
- Batman Arkham Asylum: Play As the Joker Debut Trailer
- Call of Juarez BiB Story Trailer
- Call of Juarez: BiB West Won Trailer
- DC Universe Online E3 Trailer
- Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires Trailer 1
- Final Fantasy XIII E3 Trailer
- GT5 E3 Trailer
- Katamari Forever Promo Trailer
- Mafia II – The Buzzsaw Trailer
- Mushroom Wars E3 Trailer
- MX v ATV Reflex Launch Trailer
- NCAA Football 10 E3 Trailer
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 E3 Trailer
- Planet 51 E3 Trailer
- Pulse E3 Special Part 1
- Quantum E3 Trailer
- Red Dead Redemption Trailer 1
- The Agency
- The King of Fighters XII Teaser Trailer
- Split Second E3 Trailer
- Smash Cars E3 Trailer
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing E3 Trailer
- Tekken 6 E3 2009 Trailer
- Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 PS3 Feature Video
- UFC Fighting Techniques
- E3 Trailer Vancouver Olympics 2010
- E3 Trailer White Knight Chronicles
- Wallpaper
- Final Fantasy XIII Wallpaper (x2)
- Assassin’s Creed 2 Wallpaper 1
E3 2009: PlayStation Store Updates for June 2nd 2009

class=”alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1199″ title=”Final Fantasy VII” src=”×100.jpg” alt=”” width=”100″ height=”100″ />
European Additions:
- Game Videos
- Army of Two: The 40th Day Reveal Trailer
- Batman Arkham Asylum ‘Play As Joker’ Trailer
- Battlefield 1943 Wake Island Trailer
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Squad Story
- Brütal Legend E3 Trailer
- Buzz! Quiz World Trailer
- Dante’s Inferno Announcement Trailer
- Dragon Age Violence Trailer
- EyePet Trailer
- Fat Princess Trailer
- Front Mission: Evolved Trailer
- Gran Turismo PSP Trailer
- Gravity Crash Trailer
- Heavy Rain Trailer
- Hustle Kings Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet PSP Trailer
- MotorStorm Arctic Edge PSP Trailer
- Nier Trailer
- Numblast trailer
- PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe PSP Trailer
- PixelJunk Shooter Trailer
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Trailer
- Red Dead Redemption Trailer
- RePlay Trailer
- SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 PSP Trailer
- Vidzone Trailer
US Additions:
- PSone Classics PS3 / PSP
- Final Fantasy VII ($9.99)
- Medal of Honor ($5.99 )
- Game Add-on Content
- Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Pack #1
- Game Videos
- UNCHARTED 2 E3 Trailer
- Hustle Kings E3 Trailer
- Eye Pet E3 Trailer
- Fat Princess Launch E3 Trailer
- Final Fantasy VII Trailer
- Gravity Crash Trailer
- Heavy Rain Trailer
- inFAMOUS: Duality Trailer
- PixelJunk Shooter E3 Trailer
- Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time E3 Video
- Video Store Sizzle Reel
- wipEout HD Fury Add-on Trailer
- SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 E3 2009 Trailer
- Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier E3 Trailer
- MotorStorm Arctic Edge E3 Trailer
- echochrono E3 Trailer
- Invizimals E3 Trailer
- PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe E3 Trailer
- PSP Themes
- Wallpaper
PlayStation Video Store Update for May 29th 2009

Here are this week’s new releases and top downloads for the PlayStation Video Store are in! A new channel has launched this week: DC Comics, where you can catch your favorite DC Comics super heroes. Download the epic adventures of Batman, Superman and many more action-packed good-battling-evil episodes today under TV Shows –> Networks –> DC Comics! As for this week’s top movie downloads, Outlander is in first place followed by The Uninvited and Paul Blart: Mall Cop in second and third place, respectively. Check out whats new below.
PlayStation Store Update for May 28th 2009

The last PlayStation Store update for May 2009 is now live. Europe has received a massive update with two new downloadable games and two new demos. As for the US, there is one new demo and a PSOne classic available for download. Both stores have received a lot of new game add-on content, including LittleBigPlanet costumes, another MotorStorm Pacific Rift Livery Pack, Saints Row 2 game pack and new tracks for Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Check out the complete list below.