This week on the PlayStation Video Store, check out 2 Months, $2 Million. It’s a new show from G4 that takes you inside the world of competitive high stakes online poker. The show follows the lives and adventures of four young high IQ friends trying to break the bank of the online poker world. You will also find lots of new movies and TV shows to download as usual. As for this week’s top 10 downloads, Dragonball: Evolution moves to 1st place (from 2nd place last week), followed by Miss March, which has dropped to 2nd place. In 3rd place it Obsessed. Check out all the new content listed below.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Store"
PlayStation Store Update For Aug 13th 2009

This week on the PlayStation Store, there are new downloadable games for both Europe and the US, namely Marvel vs Capcom 2, and the US has also received three new PSOne Classics, including Tomb Raider. As for downloadable content, there are new costumes for LittleBigPlanet as well as the History Level Kit, the first DLC pack for Red Faction: Guerrilla, and new tracks for Rock Band. For those of you who can’t get enough of Fat Princess, you can also download some free XMB wallpaper.
PSN Cards And Video Store Coming To Europe

SCEE today announced that PSN Cards and a Video Store are definitely coming to Europe. Angela Madronero, European PlayStation Store Manager, has stated that more information on PSN Cards will be revealed ‘in the not too distant future’. Also, Sony “will be making an official announcement regarding [the] forthcoming Video Store, next week, at GamesCom.” Which is great news for games in Europe and PAL Territories.
Digital Comics Update for August 11th 2010

DC Comics release the first two issues of comics series Y: The Last Man on the PSP Comic Store this week. DC also brings you a free copy of Safe Inside (Zuda) and the start a new series of Green Lantern: No Fear. From Marvel this week you can find all 5 issues of Venom: Dark Origin. Finally don’t miss the 3rd issue of Eternal Descent From IDW. See below for the full list of new arrivals for the week.
PlayStation Video Store Update For Aug 7th 2009

This week on the US PlayStation Video Store you will find a huge selection of new movies and TV for download. The number of new movies and TV added this week will blow your mind. New TV includes House, Psych, Zoey 101, In Plain Sight and Burn Notice, and many more. As for this week’s top movie downloads, Miss March is in first place, Dragonball: Evolution moves to 2nd place (from 3rd place last week) and Watchmen drops to 3rd place (from 1st place last week).
PlayStation Store Update For Aug 6th 2009

The first PlayStation Store update for August is now live. This week, there is lots of new content available for download including four new playable demos for the US and two for Europe, which includes the Batman: Arkham Asylum demo. inFamous Costumes for LittleBigPlanet are also available to purchase from both stores. Other game add-on content includes new Rock Band and Guitar Hero tracks, a new Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack and more. Episode 15 of Qore is also available on the US store.
PlayStation Video Store Update For July 31st 2009

A new collection of movies has been launched on the US PlayStation Video Store this week: Fast & Furious. Since 2001, the Fast & Furious films have been moviegoers’ source for intense thrill rides. All four movies are available to purchase or rent from the store. As for the top movie downloads this week, Watchmen is still on top and Knowing is still in 2nd place for another week. Dragonball: Evolution is in third place. Check out the list of new content below.
PlayStation Store Update For July 30th 2009

It’s the last PlayStation Store update for July and there is lots of new content for you to enjoy. Fat Princess and Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 is available to purchase from both the Euro and US stores. There is new game add-on content for Rag Doll Kung Fu, Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires, Rock Band, Guitar Hero and more. A new episode of PULSE is available to download from the US Store as well as a selection of new premium themes.
PlayStation Video Store Update For July 24th 2009

This week on the PlayStation Video Store, Sony has put together a collection of movies, TV shows, exclusives and specials, all inspired by the sold-out Comic-Con. You can download the trailer to Green Lantern: First Flight and purchase or rent the feature film from July 28th 2009. As for this week’s top movie downloads, Watchmen is on top, followed by Knowing and Push.
PlayStation Store Update For July 23rd 2009

It’s a big update to the PlayStation Store this week with the release of WipEout Fury expansion pack and the new Killzone 2 Napalm & Cordite map pack. Both packs are available to download from the European and US stores. The US Store has some new PSOne classics available as well as a selection of premium XMB themes. New downloadable games include Shatter, available from both stores, and Crystal Defenders, available only on the Euro store.