This week on the PSP Store, a number of new titles have been discounted until March 4th. New downloadable games are available from both stores, including SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 – in total, Europe has four new downloadable games and the US has two. New DLC is available for LittleBigPlanet and other games from the store too.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Store"
PlayStation Store Update for Feb 18th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, three new demos are available to download in Europe and two new downloadable games. New premium avatars are also available from both stores. The US has received two new demos as well as the first episode of The Tester. Both stores have a huge selection of new game add-on content including the second DLC for Assassin’s Creed II.
Digital Comics Update for Feb 18th 2010

This week on the PSP Comics Store, new comics have been released including Venom vs Carnage (#1-#4) and the phenomenal X-23: Target X series from 2007 (#1-#6). Plus, there’s more Daredevil, Hulk, Wolverine and X-Men to enjoy. The second issue of Cages is also available, and you can also pick up the first issue for free.
PlayStation Store Update for Feb 11th 2010

This week on the PSP Store, four new Minis titles make they way to Europe with two new downloadable games. Four new demos are also available to download from the European Store, including the SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 demo. Finally, new LittleBigPlanet Valentines Day DLC is available to purchase.
PlayStation Store Update for Feb 11th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, the Heavy Rain demo is officially available to the public in both Europe and the US. Minis Month also continues in Europe with new games discounted from February 18th 2010, and four new Minis titles added to the store. A wide variety of DLC is also available including new packs and costumes for LittleBigPlanet and the first DLC pack for Fairytale Fights.
Digital Comics Update for Feb 11th 2010

This week on the Comic Store, IDW have released the highly entertaining (and adult) Tank Girl: The Gifting, and Groom Lake comes to a end – the final episode comes with audio commentary. Also, the complete Marvel Zombies mini series is available from the store.
Digital Comics Update for Feb 4th 2010

With this week’s digital comic selection now live on the PlayStation Store, the total number of titles available have broken the 800 comics mark. This week, IDW have changed the price of three of their comics to FREE! The first issues of Nanovor: Game Day, FX & Star Trek: Assignment Earth can now be found in the Free Comics section of the store. Marvel have added 12 issues of Wolverine to the store too, with plenty more to come over the following weeks.
PlayStation Store Update for Feb 4th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store you will find Final Fantasy VIII finally available in Europe after a few months of waiting. The Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Demo is available to download from both the US and European Stores, along with several other demos too. For the US, the new episode of Qore is also available to download. Check out the list of new content below.
PlayStation Store Update for Jan 28th 2010

This week on the PSP PlayStation Store, you will find two new games to download on the European Store. A new LittleBigPlanet pack is also available for purchase and a free Gran Turismo car pack is available too. The US has received four new Minis titles and a number of add-on packs for LittleBigPlanet.
PlayStation Store Update for Jan 28th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves demo is now available to download from the European Store including two other demos. Europe has also received two new downloadable games. The US also has a number of new playable demos and new games to purchase. As for game add-on content, the first Assassin’s Creed II pack is available from both stores as well as the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves skin pack.