This week on the PSP Store, a number of games have been reduced on the European store. On both stores there are a number of new downloadable games available for purchase and new minis titles – the US has five new minis titles available for purchase. Both stores has some new XMB themes and a selection of videos too. Check out the list of new content below.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Store"
PlayStation Store Update for April 22nd 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, a number of new downloadable games are available to download, as well as new playable demos, including the Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Demo. New DLC is also available for a number of titles, including the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Siege Expansion Pack and new tracks for Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Gamers in the UK can also download FirstPlay Episode 003.
US PlayStation Store Update Day Changing Too

We recently reported that the day on which the PlayStation Store is updated for Europe is moving to Wednesdays from May 2010. It has now been confirmed that the US PlayStation Store update day is moving too, but to Tuesdays from May 2010. The news was revealed in this week’s episode (4/15) of PULSE.
Digital Comics Update for April 15th 2010

This week on the Comic Store, the comic from the major motion picture, Kick-Ass is available to purchase. Other highlights this week include the fourth and final episode of Insomnia’s majestic Burke & Hare, another Vampire Hunter D from Digital Manga Publishing, and the long-awaited follow-up to Sláine: Book of Invasions from 2000AD. In addition, there’s more Wallace & Gromit, more Disney, and The One Where Archie Marries Veronica.
PlayStation Store Update for April 15th 2010

On The PSP Store this week, you will find a number of games discounted the European Store and there are lots of new Minis titles available for both Europe and the US, including Monopoly. PSone classic Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee is available to purchase in Europe and Mimana Iyar Chronicle is available to download from the US Store. Finally, there is a selection of videos and DLC content for various games. See below for the complete list.
PlayStation Store Update for April 15th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, FirstPlay Episode 002 is available to download in the UK and a number of new dynamic themes have hit the store. The GTA: Episode from Liberty City DLC is available to download from both the US and European Stores as are a number of new Minis titles. There is also new DLC for titles including Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Dead to Rights and Just Cause 2.
PlayStation Store Update for April 8th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, Europe has received a huge update with lots of special offers, game add-on content and the first episode of FirstPlay. The final three episodes of Blue Toad Murder Files is now available for purchase in Europe and you can also download the 2010 FIFA World Cup demo from both the US and European Stores. Finally, the last episode for The Tester is also available for download from the US store.
PlayStation Store Update for April 8th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, not a lot of new content is available. Two new games are available to download in Europe and one new minis title is also available. New game add-on content is available to download for The Eye of Judgement Legends and a free LittleBigPlanet theme is available too. The US has a large selection of videos, and only one new downloadable title and minis title too.
Confirmed: European PlayStation Store Updates Moving to Wednesdays

Last month there was rumor going around that the PlayStation Store update day for Europe would soon be changing. The rumor has now been confirmed by Mike Kebby on the PlayStation.Blog. The usual Thursday updates will continue until the end of this month, and from May they will be moving to Wednesdays.
Digital Comics Update for April 8th 2010

This week on the PSP Comic Store the first set of Manga comics hit the store. Hideyuki Kikuchi’s Vampire Hunter D Vol 1 is now available to download. You can also find Zombies Vs Robots with the first issue of a 4 part series: Aventure and Markosia’s Ritual. Finally we see the return of the extremely popular Atomic Robo from Red 5 and more Amazing Spider-Man from Marvel.