Considering its E3 week this week, the European PSP Store has received a fairly small update. You can find a number of new downloadable titles including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Toy Story 3. You can also find a new Minis title, a new PSone classic and a new playable demo. Finally, you can also download some PSP trailers from E3.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Store"
European PlayStation Store Update for June 16th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store you can find the Tales of Monkey Island as well as new Minis and PSone classics. There is lots of new game add-on content for various titles including a huge number of new tracks for Singstar. Episode 11 of FirstPlay is now available to purchase and you can also find a number of game trailer from E3 2010.
Digital Comics Update for June 16th 2010

This week on the PSP Comic Store you can find the recent cinematic extravaganza, Alice in Wonderland. The graphic novel adaptation has amazing artwork and a script spun off the Johnny Depp film. You can also find Astonishing Tales (2009) featuring an assortment of stories from the Marvel Universe.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 15th 2010

This week on the US PSP Store, you can find the Worms Battle Island playable demo and a whopping 10 new Minis titles available for purchase. There is also game add-on content for Toy Story 3, LittleBigPlanet and Buzz! Quiz World. Finally, check out the new game videos and premium XMB themes on the store below.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 15th 2010

The US PlayStation Store has received a massive update this week with four new downloadable games, four new playable demos, Final Fantasy IX PSone classic and three new game bundles. You can also find a variety of new game add-on content, new PSN avatars, XMB themes and game videos.
E3 2010: PlayStation Store Update

Sony will be publishing daily PlayStation Store updates through E3 this week, until Thursday 17th. You can already find the NCAA Football 11 PS3 Demo from Electronic Arts in the dedicated E3 2010 category under New Releases. Sony will still be updating the store as usual later today, including the release of Final Fantasy IX.
Digital Comics Update for June 9th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Comic Store you can find the first four issues of Ms. Marvel (2006), and you can also find issue 7 to 11 of Thor. IDW has also released three new comic: Arcane Legions, The Last Unicorn and The Murder of King Tut. Markosia release Eleventh Hour #1 which is the first instalment of a collection of ten standalone stories from the minds of the hottest rising talent in comics.
European PlayStation Update for June 9th 2010

The European PSP Store has been updated with new content. This week, you can find a number of new PSP Essential titles, four new Minis titles and three new downloadable games. You can also find new add on content for two titles, including LittleBigPlanet.
European PlayStation Update for June 9th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store, you can find two new downloadable games, four new Minis titles but no new playable demos. There is lots of game add-on content including new LittleBigPlanet costumes, the Super Street Fighter IV Super Challengers 2 Pack and more.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 8th 2010

On the PSP Store this week, you can find three new downloadable games including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Three new Minis titles are available to purchase and you can also find four new add-on items for SOCOM: Fire Team Brave 3, all for free. Finally, there is a selection of new XMB themes and wallpapers for you to download. Check out the list of new content below.