With plenty of excitement around Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XIV, Square-Enix hasn’t forgotten about Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD, which are coming to the PS3 and PS Vita this year. The publisher has released a new trailer for the two games along with 15 new screens.
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Posts tagged "E3 2013"
E3 2013: Extended Metal Gear Solid V Trailer

Konami has released a extended nine-minute trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Segements of the trailer were shown off during Microsoft’s E3 press conference, and has been confirmed for release on the PS4 and Xbox One, in addition to the PS3 and Xbox 360.
E3 2013: PS4 Indie Games Round-Up

Indie developers got a nice showcase at Sony’s E3 Press Conference, showing a number of new titles coming to the PS4. Sony has clarified that Indie developers can self-publish titles on the PS4, instead of having to go through a publishing company like on the Xbox One. Trailers for games, including Don’t Starve, Octodad: Dadliest Catch and Oddworld: New’n’Tasty was shown off at the event.
E3 2013: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Renamed to Final Fantasy Versus XV

Square-Enix revealed a brand new trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII at Sony’s E3 Press Conference last night, also confirming that the game will now be called Final Fantasy XV. The game is now heading to the PlayStation 4, and more details will be revealed soon.
E3 2013: PS4 Trailer Round-Up

Now that the dust is settling after Sony’s E3 Press Conference, which finally revealed the PS4’s sleek and futuristic design, we though you would like to take a look at some of the new trailers and gameplay videos from the event. You can find new trailers for Final Fantasy XV, Destiny, Kingdom Hearts III and more below.
E3 2013: PS4 Priced at £349 / $399, Coming to North America and Europe in Holiday 2013

Andrew House has confirmed that the PS4 will be coming to North America and Europe this Holiday season, priced at just $399 / €399 / £349. This makes the PS4 $100 / €100 / £80 cheaper than the Xbox One, and without all the used game restrictions.
E3 2013: PlayStation Plus Available on PS4

Sony has confirmed that existing PlayStation Plus subscriptions will transfer over to the PS4, giving gamers content for the PS3, PS Vita and PS4 for the same price. In addition, Sony has confirmed that DriveClub will be the first game in the PS4’s Instant Game Collection, with a new game available every month.
E3 2013: Sony Confirms Used Games Supported on PS4, No Internet Connection Required

Jack Tretton has confirmed that the PS4 won’t impost any new restrictions on used games, allowing owners to freely give away or sell their old games. In fact, Sony has confirmed that games won’t be tried to your PSN account, or require any Internet connection of any sort to verify the game you’re playing.
E3 2013: Killzone: Shadow Fall, Drive Club, and Knack Confirmed as PS4 Launch Titles

At Sony’s E3 Press Conference, Shu Yoshida confirms that Killzone: Shadow Fall, Drive Club, and Knack will be PlayStation 4 launch titles. In related news, inFamous: Second Son will be releasing for the PS4 in Q1 of 2014. Check out new trailers for the games below.
E3 2013: PS4 Officially Revealed

Moments ago, Sony revealed the final design for the PS4 console, with Andrew House holding the console in his hands. We have the official photo of the console below. The console itself is much smaller that the first-generation PS3 model, and still has the iconic matt black finish the PS3 Slim features.