A new patch for Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition on the PS4 is now available, updating the game to v1.02. The patch is said to fix the online issues affecting the game since launch, and was patched fairly quickly thanks to players submitting crash reports from the game.
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Posts tagged "Dead Nation"
Dead Nation and Tomb Raider Coming to PlayStation Plus in March 2014

Sony Europe has confirmed the PlayStation Plus line-up for March 2014, revealing Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (PS4) and Tomb Raider (PS3) will be coming to the Instant Game Collection, along with three other titles. The line-up means the rumour earlier this month was spot-on.
Dead Nation Confirmed for PS4, Coming to Instant Game Collection in Asia

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition has been confirmed for the PS4 via the Asian PlayStation.Blog. The game will join the Instant Game Collection in Hong Kong in March, available to download for free if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, from March 6th 2014.
Dead Nation Gets “Arcade” Expansion Pack for Road of Devastation

Dead Nation is getting a new expansion pack in North America today, with Europe to follow tomorrow. The expansion pack, called Arcade, adds a brand new game mode to the Road of Devastation expansion pack, letting gamers play a kind of survival mode, but with check-points.
Dead Nation Getting “Road of Devastation” DLC

We have some exciting news for Dead Nation players around the globe. The game will be getting a downloadable expansion pack called “Road of Devastation”. Road of Devastation will put your skills to the ultimate test. Continuing from the events where the original game left off You’ll find yourself waking up in a laboratory with only one way out.
Dead Nation Release Date Announced

Dead Nation arrived on the PlayStation Store in just a few weeks, thanks to an announcement from Sony. The zombie shooter will be available to download from the PlayStation Store on 30th November in North America, and 1st December in Europe. Dead Nation will cost £9.99 (or €12.99 in the EU and $14.99 in the US), and will come with its very own Platinum trophy.
Dead Nation PS3 Trailer Revealed

Sony has revealed the first trailer for Dead Nation. The title was first announced at Gamescom in Cologne last year but you can expect more news on the title at this year’s E3. Developers Housemarque and Sony Computer Entertainment have been pulling out all the stops over the past year to make this game a nerve shredding, atmospheric and action packed experience. Check out the trailer below.