As you may already know, the MAG Private Beta is currently taking place, and it will soon be rolling out to the public. On September 17th 2009, MAG will launch into public beta, allowing regular players to take part in huge 128-player and 256-player skirmishes online. We at XTREME PS3 are lucky enough to be taking part in the Private Beta, and let me tell you, its a very impressive game. Unfortunately, due to a NDA we cannot post up any videos or information about the game until the public beta launches.
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Posts tagged "Beta"
MAG Beta Codes Going Out

The first phase of MAG Beta codes are now being sent out. We got an email earlier this morning with our beta code attached (see screenshot below). The MAG beta only runs during certain hours, and funny enough, you can’t play on the weekends. Currently, the playable hours are Mon-Fri, 10:00AM – 1:00PM PDT and 5:00PM – 8:00PM PDT (thats 6:00PM – 9:00PM BST and 1:00AM to 4:00AM BST).
Sony Accepting MAG Beta Applications

Earlier today we received an email from Sony with instructions on how to enter the MAG Beta. The email contained a unique access code and a link to a website where you can register. The catch? You have to answer a few questions and tell Sony why you should be chosen for the Beta. Beta invites will be sent out in phases – but you only need to answer the questions once to be eligible for all phases.
Second Uncharted 2 Beta Starting September 15th 2009

Didn’t get enough of the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta first time around? Don’t worry, as a second beta will be commencing next month. The second beta will run from September 15th to October 12th 2009, and will feature more game modes and more maps for you to enjoy. The catch? You have to pre-order the game from in order to get your voucher code.
UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta Starts Tomorrow

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The competitive playlists contains 2 maps, with 2 game types available on each: Deathmatch and Plunder. Deathmatch is pretty similar to what you’ve come to expect out of “team deathmatch” in other games. Plunder is Naughty Dog’s take on “capture the flag.” At the start of a round, we’ve placed a treasure in a neutral location on the map and the first team to bring it back to their capture chest scores a point – three points to win.
As for the cooperative playlist, Naughty Dog has put in a snippet of one of their co-op experiences. With three players in a co-op match, you play as either Drake, Sully, or Chloe as they fight their way through a war-torn city to recover a treasure worth a fortune. In this mode, teamwork is everything and running off alone is a sure way to get killed. Thankfully, in most cases – except for, say, being blown up – you’re not out of the game. If you’ve been downed, you can be revived by one of the other players before your timer runs out! If everyone wipes, you start at the last checkpoint you passed, but be careful, if everyone wipes three times the match is over and you have to start over again.
You are ranked on the total amount of online cash you have earned. This includes both the co-op and competitive modes, so you can rank up either way. In competitive, you earn cash for defeating enemies, and earning medals. In co-op, you earn cash for your point score and by earning medals. You can see your rank both next to your name in the lobby and scoreboard, as well as in the Profile screen.
Read more about the beta on the US PlayStation.Blog.
Uncharted 2 beta codes being sent out to Qore subscribers

Earlier this morning we received an email titled “Here is your UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta voucher“, containing our beta code to access the Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta (details below). If you are a Qore subscriber, you should have received your beta code too. The beta is due to start on June 3rd 2009 until June 28th 2009. You won’t be able to redeem your code until June 3rd.
SOCOM: Confrontation Beta Impressions

Over the last week and a half, we’ve been playing the SOCOM: Confrontation beta, now that it is finally available. We’ve decided to break from playing the game to bring you our impressions on the game. It’s taken some time, but SOCOM is finally here on the PlayStation 3. The franchise enjoyed much success on the PlayStation 2 and the new title is looking to fantastic. SOCOM: Confrontation is an online-only multiplayer game, allowing up to 32 players to battle it out across seven maps.
Read MoreMetal Gear Online Beta now available for Europe

The European PlayStation Store has been updated and Europe and now download the Metal Gear Online Beta, which was released in the US a day early. Unlike the US, anyone can access the online beta. US games will have to preorder Metal Gear Solid 4 in order to receive a beta key to gain access to the game. Konami require you to register for a Konami ID in order to play the beta. The download weighs in at 741MB.