If you own a PlayStation 3 and a 3DTV but are missing out on some 3D titles, check out the complete list of 3D titles released by Sony below. Currently, 19 3D titles are available for purchase, 8 of which can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store. In 2011, 10 3D games have been announced so far, you can expect plenty more to be released.
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Posts tagged "3D"
The Prince of Persia is Back in HD and 3D

The Prince of Persia Trilogy will be available for download exclusively on the PlayStation Network, giving you the opportunity to re-live the critically-acclaimed developed by Ubisoft’s Montreal studios. These PS2 classics have been upgraded with HD graphics and are ready for 3D-enabled televisions for the first time ever.
PS3 System Software Update v3.50 Details

Firmware updated version 3.50 is now available to download. The main feature included in the new update is support for 3D Blu-ray movie playback, but we have information on other new features too. You can update your console via the Network Update option under the [Settings] menu. Details of the other new features included in this update can be found below.
MotorStorm Pacific Rift In 3D Next Week

If you have a 3D TV, you will be happy to know that MotorStorm 3D Rift hits the PlayStation Store next week in stereoscopic 3D. MotorStorm 3D Rift lets you experience 10 MotorStorm Pacific Rift tracks in stunning 3D and features a selection of festival-favourite off-road vehicles: Bikes, Buggies, Racing Trucks and Monster Trucks.
3D Games Will Be Capped at 720p Resolution

Sony has confirmed at 3D games will be limited to 720p resolution. Games that run natively at 1080p are being scaled down in 3D mode, with one 720p image being output for each eye. Sony’s Simon Benson explained during the Develop conference in Brighton that the limit was imposed to keep games running at a smooth 60 frames per second.
PS3 To Get Firmware Updates for 3D PlayTV and YouTube

Over the next 12 months, Sony will be releasing further firmware updates in addition to adding 3D Blu-ray playback in September and supporting 3D photos. According to Mick Hocking, senior director of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, the company is also gearing up for more updates that will add 3D PlayTV playback and YouTube 3D support on the console.
PS3 Future 3D Firmware Updates Detailed

We know that the PS3 will be getting another firmware update in September to add 3D Blu-ray compatibility to the console. In addition to this, Pocket-Lint are reporting that there will be a third 3D related firmware update for the PlayStation 3, which will bring 3D photos to the platform.
Sony has no Plans for 3D on PSP (Yet)

One of the biggest announcements at E3 2010 earlier this month was the announcement of the Nintendo 3DS, the first portable console with 3D gameplay without the need for glasses. With Sony already selling 3DTVs and games, the next logical step would be to add 3D to the PSP…
PS3 3D Blu-ray Update Dated

Now that 3D gaming is available on the PlayStation 3, the next step for Sony is to enable 3D Blu-ray movie compatibility. As announced by Sony earlier, the PlayStation 3 will require another firmware update to enable 3D Blu-ray playback, which has now been scheduled for September.
Majority of PS3 Games Will Be 3D in Future

Sony’s first set of 3D games – dubbed the ‘stereoscopic collection’ – is now available to download from the PlayStation Store, including titles like WipEout HD and Super Stardust HD. In a interview with CVG, UK PlayStation boss Ray Maguire confirmed that majority of first-party games will be 3D in the future.
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