We have uploaded two additional videos of both Final Fantasy VII (7) and Final Fantasy VIII (8) running on the PSP using Dark_AleX’s Custom Firmware 3.02 OE-B. This time, we have included some actual gameplay rather than just the booting of the game so you can get a feel of how it runs.
Read MoreFinal Fantasy VIII on the PSP

Some of you may have seen the You Tube videos of Final Fantasy VII (7) being emulated on the PSP using Dark_AleX’s Custom Firmware 3.02 OE-B. Well, we have taken the liberty of emulating Final Fantasy VIII (8) on OE-B.
Read MoreCustom Firmware 3.02 OE

Dark_AleX, the mastermind behind Custom Firmware 2.71 SE, has released a new custom firmware based on Firmware 3.02. Currently at OE-B, the custom firmware has all the features of 2.71 SE-C and more, including the ability to play your own PSOne ISOs and change the region code on your PSP.
Read MoreSystem Software Ver. 1.3X
- You can now register the BD remote control in [Register Bluetooth Device] under [Accessory Settings].
- BD/DVD Video Output Format (HDMI)] has been added as an option under [BD/DVD Settings].
- [Backup Utility] has been added as a feature under [System Settings].
- You can now select the hard disk format method in [Format Utility] and [Restore PS3 System] under [System Settings].
- The method of selecting output resolution has been changed in [Video Output Settings] under [Display Settings].
- New for 1.31: You can now play PlayStation 2 format software titles that must be installed on the hard disk.
- The compatibility of USB devices with PlayStation 2 format software titles has changed.
- New for 1.31: Playability status with the PS3 system has changed for some PlayStation and PlayStation 2 format titles.
- New for 1.32: The online gaming functionality of the system software has been updated
PSP Firmware 3.03
In the past 30 days or so, we have seen the release of three PSP Firmware updates, and now the fourth, Firmware 3.03 has been released by Sony fixing a minor issue.. While the only major software update was Firmware 3.00, Sony has release three minor updates dealing with issues regarding the PlayStation Store and PS3 connectivity. Firmware 3.03 doesn’t add anything new to the PSP list of features, however, it does extends the number of playable PlayStation 1 titles. Unfortunately, if you don’t own a PS3 or happen to live in Europe (where PS3 is currently unavailable) this update isn’t much use.
The new titles will be available to download from December 21st in Japan. Here is a list of what’s new:
- R-Types
- Taiyo no Shippo
- U-SA
- Dino Crisis
- Global Force
- Gekisou Tomaranna
- Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime
- The Convenie Ano Machi wo Dokusen se yo
- Mr. Driller
There has been no mention of these titles being released in other territories as if yet. Note that Firmware 3.03 is not homebrew-friendly and upgrading will mean you will loose the ability to run unsigned code. In addition, Firmware 3.03 is not devhook compatible just yet. As usual, for those of you who would like to upgrade the update is available via the Network Update feature from the PSP’s Settings menu. For owners of a Japanese PSP (PSP-1000 series), the download is also available on the regional website has been updated with the download link.
[Via: PlayStation Japan]
PSP System Software Ver. 3.03
- Additional PlayStation Network titles are now supported. PlayStation Network titles can be downloaded via the PlayStation 3.
Final Fantasy Tactics announced for the PSP
Square Enix has confirmed that it is developing a PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics, while a sequel to FF Tactics Advanced is also reported to be in development. The new game, titled Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War, will be based on the original PlayStation 1 game but adding new jobs, FMV sequences and cut scenes. Details of the announcement can be found in the current issue of Shonen Jump, and confirmed by EuroGamer.
Check out some screen shots below:
PSP Firmware 3.02
Wow, yet another firmware update has been released for the PSP. It seems that Sony is getting sloppy in testing their updates since firmware 3.02 is a simple security update for the system software (put simply, a patch for a bug they found in the system). Since it is only a patch, nothing new has been added to this firmware update. You can download the update the Network Update feature on the PSP or via the regional PSP websites. It is not necessary to update just yet since games requiring firmware 3.02 will not be available for quiet a while.
For those interested, firmware 3.02 is Devhook compatible so it can be emulated on lower firmware versions, however, not all functionality will be supported. Another point is that homebrew support is not available on this firmware version which means you cannot run unsigned code.
PSP System Software Ver. 3.02
- A patch has been added that addresses a security vulnerability in the system software.
Xtreme PSP Mag i018 Out Now
The December 2006 issue of the XTREME PSP Magazine is now available to download. Issue 18 is packed with over 90 pages of great content including previews of Dead Head Fred, Rainbow Six Vegas, Sonic Rivals and Chili Con Carnage. Plus reviews of SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo, GTA: Vice City Stories, Space Invaders Evolution and Pilot Academy. You will also find all the regular content including tips and cheats, the latest news, a competition, homebrew reviews and a feature on what to expect in 2007.