On some versions of Yellow Dog Linux (for PS3), the “boot-game-os” command line gives you an error similar to “/sbin/other-os-flash-util: No such file or directory”, which prevents you from getting back to the PS3 XMB. Below is a simple, step-by-step guide on how to fix the error.
UPDATED: More Resistance Patch Details
The Resistance: Fall of Man update was announced a few days ago and we finally have some more information as to what it contains. The update is to be released later on today and will include a number of additions, including two new multiplayer maps, Westmorland and Cambornethat, can be purchased from the PlayStation Store. See below for a list of what to expect.
- Access PS3 friend list from in-game
- In-game option to report abusive players
- Voice chat using TV Speakers (if you don’t have headphones)
- Clan leadership transfer
- Penalty time enforced on people who frequently quit ranked games
- Ranked games that become unbalanced prior to launch will automatically be canceled in the lobby
UPDATE (29th June 2007, 3:33 PM):
The Resistance patch is now available to download and there has been a significant number of changes. Check out the detailed list below:
- Resistance: Fall of Man Map Pack 1 now available for download! This map pack contains both Westmorland, England and Camborne, England. Both are additional multiplayer maps designed to be played with Resistance: Fall of Man. Westmorland features snowy hills and Chimeran architecture. Great for snipers! Camborne features both above ground and underground fighting introducing a new twist on team battles. Both maps support all Resistance multiplayer game types. You must own Resistance: Fall of Man to play either map. To make purchasing and downloading the map pack quick and easy, there is now a “Purchase” button on the main online menu. Going to the “Purchase” menu will allow you to select, purchase, and download the map pack from within Resistance
- Worldwide Servers! Now you can play with your friends anywhere in the world since all Resistance servers are now connected to allow for worldwide play. There is a new option in the “Multiplayer Options” menu called “Worldwide Player”. Setting this to “Worldwide” will allow you to play games against other players all over the world. Setting it to your local region (North America, Europe, etc) will restrict your games to only allow other players from your region to join, and will guarantee that any players you are matched against when playing ranked games are from the same region as you. If you create a party, your party will use the Worldwide Play setting from your multiplayer options (ie, if you are set to “North America”, only north American players will be allowed to join your party, but if you are set to “Worldwide”, anyone can join). Players who are set to “Worldwide” may still join games created by players who are set to their local region only as long as both players are from the same region.
- The XMB Friends list is now accessible from the R:FoM Lobby. To access it, go to “Community” and select “Friends”.
- The “Map Vote” option has changed. There are now three settings: “No”, “Free Maps Only”, and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)”. Setting “Map Vote” to “No” will allow anyone to join who has the map that the game is being played on, setting it to “Free Maps Only” (not available if you begin the game on a map from the Map Pack) will allow players to vote for any of the free maps and allow anyone to join the game, and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)” will allow players to vote for any maps, including map pack maps, but will require anyone attempting to join the game to have the map pack. “Map Vote” will default to “Free Maps Only” for any of the free maps and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)” for any of the map pack maps.
- There is a new filter on the “Find Games” screen for custom games: “Map Packs”. It has two settings, “Free Maps Only” and “All Maps”. “Free Maps Only” will show only games that do not require the map pack, and “All Maps” will show all games.
- The “MUTE” menu from the in-game start menu is now the “MUTE/REPORT” menu. Selecting a player from this menu will allow you to select either “Mute”, to mute all voice chat from that player, or “Report for abuse”, which will notify an in-game moderator that the player is being abusive by cheating, glitching, or otherwise violating the EULA. In-game moderators will then be alerted, and may observe the player to verify that he/she is being abusive. We reserve the right to kick players we have observed being abusive out of the game and/or ban them from playing Resistance: Fall of Man, as per our anti-abuse policy outlined in the forums on www.myresistance.net.
- Voice chat from other players will now play through your television speakers by default unless you have a headset plugged in. There is a new option in the “Multiplayer Options” menu from the lobby called “Mute Voice Chat”. Setting this to on will start all players muted when you join a game. Players may then be selectively unmuted from the “MUTE/REPORT” menu if you so choose. The “Mute Voice Chat” option only has an effect if you do not have a headset plugged in.
- Repeatedly failing to finish ranked games (either by quitting or disconnecting) will now incur a time penalty wherein you will not be allowed to join another ranked game immediately after failing to finish one. The time penalty begins at 0 minutes, and will build up to a maximum of 15 minutes if you fail to finish a high percentage (30%+) of your ranked games.
- Clan leaders now have the option to transfer clan leadership to another player from the clan menu
- Human player models will lip sync with incoming voice chat from that player
- If you have a USB keyboard attached to your PS3, holding down the buttons “1” through “0” will change your characters’ facial expression (human models only)
- Ranked games that become too unbalanced in the staging screen will be canceled by the server rather than launching with unbalanced teams
- In the lobby, L3 is now always the push-to-talk button so that remapping the push-to-talk button does not prevent you from being able to chat in the staging, party, or results screens.
- Player names drawn over friendly players will no longer be blocked by low cover to make it easier to distinguish friendlies from enemies.
- Players may now switch the virtual keyboard over to the full QWERTY style keyboard rather than the standard virtual keyboard if they so choose
- The staging screen in a deathmatch game now has a header to show you what race everyone will be when the game starts. Additionally, the loading screen will now also reflect what race you will spawn as.
- For Chimera vs Chimera team games, the skins used by each team have been changed to be more distinct
- For games with limited lives (such as conversion), the “QUIT” option on the in-game start menu will change to say “LEAVE” after you have been eliminated to indicate to you that you will not receive a Quit on your stats for leaving after being eliminated.
- Fixed an issue where you would hear splashing sounds on levels without water
- Fixed a problem that caused bullseye tags to sometimes remain active after the player they were attached to has died
- Fixed a number of potential collision exploits
- Fixed a problem that caused the rocket launcher reticule crosshairs to disappear when meleeing while a rocket is being held stationary.
- The per-team “Time Alive” column for team conversion now displays the correct stat rather than the total team score.
- Assault and Breach mode games have had the number of players required to create them lowered in Team Objective games, and the likelihood of these modes has also been increased.
- Chimera vs Chimera Team Deathmatch has been removed from the Team Deathmatch gametype.
- Conversion in the Free For All gametype has been changed so that players will have 5 human lives and 1 Chimeran life instead of 1 human life and 1 Chimeran life.
Gametype Changes
European PSN Store Updated
Yesterday, both the Japanese and North American PlayStation Network Stores were updated with content, and today the European PSN Store is finally updated. The additions include the Ninja Gaiden Sigma Demo, three new games, and two blu-ray movie trailers. The new games include Super Stardust HD, Championship Sprint and Gauntlet II. See below for a full list of additions:
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Demo)
- Super Stardust HD
- Championship Sprint
- Gauntlet II
- Superman Returns (Blu-Ray Trailer)
- Full Metal Jacket (Blu-Ray Trailer)
- Paul Hollywood Interview
PSP Firmware 3.51
In light of the recent Illuminati Exploit and 3.50 downgrader, Sony have released a patch in the form of Firmware 3.51 for the PSP. The patch removes the exploit from the System Software preventing the execution of homebrew as well as downgrading to firmware 1.50. The Japanese PlayStation website has already been updated with the update, but the US and European websites are yet to be updated.
Changelog (tanslated from Japanese Website):
- A patch has been added that addresses a security vulnerability in the system software.
- You can now connect to Remote Play via the Internet
- [Communication Settings] has been added to the Remote Play Menu
- [The RSS Channel Guide] has been added to the RSS Channel
[Via: PlayStation Japan]
Remote Play on PS3 using PSP
Remote Play on the PS3 is a very hand feature. Currently, Remote Play is only supported between the PS3 and PSP. See below for instructions on how to configure your PS3 and PSP to utilize remote play.
To connect your PS3 and PSP together:
- Go to Setting > Remote Play Settings and click on ?Register Device?
- Connect you PSP to the PS3 using the USB cable and activate USB mode on the PSP
- The PS3 will take a few seconds to register the PSP. Once completed, you can check that the PSP has been registered by clicking on ?Registered Device List?. Verify that the MAC Adress is the same as the one on the PSP by going to Settings > System Settings > System Information on the PSP.
- Activate Remote Play on the PS3 by going to Network > Remote Play.
- Connect to the PS3 using the PSP by going to Network > Remote Play. On the Network Connection screen, select ?PLAYSTATION(R)3? to connect to the PS3.
- Once connected, the PS3 should display ?Remote Play in Progress?.
- You can exit Remote Play at any time on the PSP by pressing the ?HOME? button and selecting ?Quit Remote Play?. You can exit Remote Play on the PS3 by pressing ?O? (circle).
Occasionally, the PSP fails to connect to the PS3. If this happens, simply try again and check that the PS3 is in Remote Play mode. Only one PSP can access Remote Play mode at any time, so you cannot control the PS3 using two PSPs at the same time. Ensure that only one PSP is connected to the PS3, since trying to connect on a second PSP will cause a connection error.
PSP System Software Ver. 3.51
- A patch has been added to address security vulnerability in the system software.
Yellow Dog Linux PS3 Installation

Yellow Dog Linux is one of several Linux distributions compatible with the PlayStation, however, YDL 5.0 also happens to be one of the best. Other distributions include Fedora Core and Ubuntu, but YDL offers greater compatibility than the rest. Installing YDL is simple as well, follow the instructions below:
Before installing YDL, there a few things that you will need:
- YDL 5.0 (or above) on DVD (PS3 Version)
- Keyboard/Mouse
- HD TV capable of supporting 720p display
Before you can begin to install YDL, your PS3 system needs to be setup. There are three steps that need to be preformed before you can begin installation: Partitioning the hard disk, Installing the OtherOS loader and changing the default boot setting. Each stage is broken down.
- Backup any data on the PS3 before continuing. This can be done from:
Settings > System Settings > Backup Utility > “Back Up”. - After backing up data, select the “Format Utility” from the “System Settings” menu
- Select the “Format Hard Disk” option and select “Yes” for Disk Format.
- Select “Yes” on the “Are you sure…” screen
- Select the “Custom” format option and then select the “Allot 10GB to the Other OS” option.
- The disk will then start to format.
- Select “Quick Format” if you want to format the drive quickly. Some of the deleted data may be recoverable.
- Select “Full Format” to remove all data permanently. Use this option of you have sensitive data on the hard drive.
- Do not turn off the system during for formatting – your system software could be destroyed.
- Once formatting is complete, press “X” to restart the system.
Install Other OS
- Insert the YDL DVD into the PS3.
- You can install the otheros from the settings menu by going to:
Settings > System Settings > “Install Other OS” - The PS3 should find the required file on the YDL DVD.
- Select “OK” to install the files
- You may be prompted to connect the USB cable to the Controller
- A licence Agreement may be displayed. Click “Accept” to continue with installation
- Once the installation is complete, exit from the “Install Other OS” screen.
Set the Default Boot to Other OS
Before changing the default boot setting, it is important that you are using a HDTV supporting 720i resolution, since YDL uses 720i. Please also make sure that the YDL DVD is inserted into the PS3 since it will be needed when you reboot the PS3.
- From the Settings Menu, go to the “Default System” option.
- Set the “Default System” to “Other OS” and click “OK” to boot into the Other OS.
Installing Linux
If the Other OS files were installed correctly, you should see a bunch of text appear on the screen. This means that everything is working. YDL should start installing soon after and the process is relatively simple. YDL uses a graphical interface to install Linux onto your PS3, so all you need to do is follow the instructions. The installation process takes over an hour. Once YDL has been installed, the disc should automatically eject and all you need to do then is to reboot into Linux.
US PlayStation Store Updated

The US PlayStation Network Store has been updated with new content, including one new demo, a new game and several new trailers. The most significant addition is trailer 2 of GTA IV. The new game, Super Stardust HD is available to purchase for $7.99 and the new demo, Dynasty Worriors: GUNDAM, is available to download free.
Read More19 New PS1 Titles hit Japan
Sony seems to be updating the Japanese PlayStation Store more that any other region. This time, Japan get 19 new PS1 titles playable on the PSP and PS3, with the US and Europe lagging behind with only a handful of PS1 titles in total. In fact, the European PSN Store received its first PS1 titles eariler this month. It seems the European PSN Store is the least updated, receiving no updates this week. See below for the list of new titles to hit Japan.
- AI Mah Jong Selection (hamster)
- DEPTH (Sony computer Entertainment)
- Gussun Paradise (IREM software)
- Jet Moto (Sony computer Entertainment)
- Jumping Flash! 2 (Sony computer Entertainment)
- Major Wave Series: Puzzle Mania 2 (hamsters)
- Major Wave Series: Zipangu Jima: Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru!? (Hamsters)
- Metal Slug (SNK Playmore)
- Oasis Road (Idea Factory)
- Panekit (Sony computer Entertainment)
- Samurai Spirits III: Zankuro Musouken (SNK Playmore)
- Samurai Spirits IV: Amakusa Kourin Special (SNK Playmore)
- Spectral Tower 2 (Idea Factory)
- SuperLite 1500 Series Cotton original (Success)
- SuperLite 1500 Series Sanvein (Success)
- The King OF Fighters ’98 (SNK Playmore)
- The King OF Fighters ’99 (SNK Playmore)
- The King OF Fighters Kyo (SNK Playmore)
- XI [sai] (Sony computer Entertainment)
The US store did get an update as well, however, no new PS1 titles.
System Software Ver. 1.82
- Support for playback of AVC High Profile (H.264/MPEG-4) format video has been added