Some amazing games are coming the PlayStation 3 and PSP this year, many of which were show off at Sony’s E3 Press Conference. You can download all the E3 trailers from the PlayStation Store, but we have a few in this post, courtesy of the PlayStation.Blog. Below you will find trailers for Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo for PSP, Hustle Kings and more.
PSP Go! Press Release Reveals New Information
The press release for the PSP Go! was released yesterday during Sony’s E3 Press Conference, after an official announcement was made. However, the press release includes some features of the new PSP Go! that were not announced at the conference. In short, the BlueTooth feature on the PSP Go will allow you to pair a DualShock 3 controller to play games (though the rumble feature will not be supported). Also, in-game XMB will be supported (possibly through a firmware update) and there was mention of a calendar and clock application.
E3 2009: PlayStation Store Updates for June 2nd 2009
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European Additions:
- Game Videos
- Army of Two: The 40th Day Reveal Trailer
- Batman Arkham Asylum ‘Play As Joker’ Trailer
- Battlefield 1943 Wake Island Trailer
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Squad Story
- Brütal Legend E3 Trailer
- Buzz! Quiz World Trailer
- Dante’s Inferno Announcement Trailer
- Dragon Age Violence Trailer
- EyePet Trailer
- Fat Princess Trailer
- Front Mission: Evolved Trailer
- Gran Turismo PSP Trailer
- Gravity Crash Trailer
- Heavy Rain Trailer
- Hustle Kings Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet PSP Trailer
- MotorStorm Arctic Edge PSP Trailer
- Nier Trailer
- Numblast trailer
- PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe PSP Trailer
- PixelJunk Shooter Trailer
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Trailer
- Red Dead Redemption Trailer
- RePlay Trailer
- SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 PSP Trailer
- Vidzone Trailer
US Additions:
- PSone Classics PS3 / PSP
- Final Fantasy VII ($9.99)
- Medal of Honor ($5.99 )
- Game Add-on Content
- Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Pack #1
- Game Videos
- UNCHARTED 2 E3 Trailer
- Hustle Kings E3 Trailer
- Eye Pet E3 Trailer
- Fat Princess Launch E3 Trailer
- Final Fantasy VII Trailer
- Gravity Crash Trailer
- Heavy Rain Trailer
- inFAMOUS: Duality Trailer
- PixelJunk Shooter E3 Trailer
- Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time E3 Video
- Video Store Sizzle Reel
- wipEout HD Fury Add-on Trailer
- SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 E3 2009 Trailer
- Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier E3 Trailer
- MotorStorm Arctic Edge E3 Trailer
- echochrono E3 Trailer
- Invizimals E3 Trailer
- PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe E3 Trailer
- PSP Themes
- Wallpaper
E3 2009: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
In case you missed Sony’s E3 2009 Press Conference yesterday, the PSP got another AAA title added to its upcoming lineup: Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Peace Walker takes place ten years after Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, so the “Snake” here is Naked Snake. Kojima himself is writing the script and producing this game, and the main Metal Gear Solid 4 team is also involved, so this is no spin-off. It’s a real sequel and a main entry in the MGS franchise. You can check out the official trailer below and some screenshots below.
E3 2009: PSP Go! Launching in October 2009
At Sony’s E3 Press Conference today Jack Tretton officially announced the PSP Go! (even though the details were leaked over the weekend). Tretton cleared up some specifics about the new model including a price and release date as well as hardware clarifications. The PSP Go! will launch in Europe and the US on October 1st 2009, along side several new PSP titles including Gran Turismo. The model will retail for $249.99 (approx £150).
E3 2009: Final Fantasy XIV Announced
In addition to announcing Final Fantasy VII at Sony’s E3 Press Conference Today, Final Fantasy XIV (14) was also announced as a exclusive PlayStation 3 title. Although Square Enix has been working on completing Final Fantasy XIII, it still managed to find the time to develope another game in parallel. Final Fantasy XIV will be a online only title (MMORPG) similar to Final Fantasy XI which was released on the PC. The game will be available to purchase in 2010, though an exact release date was not given.
E3 2009: Final Fantasy VII Coming to PlayStation Store Today
Over the weekend we reported that Final Fantasy VII had been listed on the ESRB website for the PlayStation 3 and PSP as a PSOne classic downloadable from the PlayStation Store. In Sony’s E3 Press Conference today, Jack Tretton announced that Final Fantasy VII will be available to download today. We’ve just checked the US PlayStation Stores but it isn’t up yet.
E3 2009: Sony’s Press Conference Summary
If you missed Sony’s press conference, we have a minute-by-minute summary for you below. Some great announcement were made including several new exclusive games including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, ModNation Racers, Final Fantasy XIV and more. Sony also showed-off their own version of the Wiimote, only it’s way better and is expected in 2010. Sony has some great things planned for the PlayStation 3 and PSP this year and through out next. See what they have in store below.
UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta Starts Tomorrow
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The competitive playlists contains 2 maps, with 2 game types available on each: Deathmatch and Plunder. Deathmatch is pretty similar to what you’ve come to expect out of “team deathmatch” in other games. Plunder is Naughty Dog’s take on “capture the flag.” At the start of a round, we’ve placed a treasure in a neutral location on the map and the first team to bring it back to their capture chest scores a point – three points to win.
As for the cooperative playlist, Naughty Dog has put in a snippet of one of their co-op experiences. With three players in a co-op match, you play as either Drake, Sully, or Chloe as they fight their way through a war-torn city to recover a treasure worth a fortune. In this mode, teamwork is everything and running off alone is a sure way to get killed. Thankfully, in most cases – except for, say, being blown up – you’re not out of the game. If you’ve been downed, you can be revived by one of the other players before your timer runs out! If everyone wipes, you start at the last checkpoint you passed, but be careful, if everyone wipes three times the match is over and you have to start over again.
You are ranked on the total amount of online cash you have earned. This includes both the co-op and competitive modes, so you can rank up either way. In competitive, you earn cash for defeating enemies, and earning medals. In co-op, you earn cash for your point score and by earning medals. You can see your rank both next to your name in the lobby and scoreboard, as well as in the Profile screen.
Read more about the beta on the US PlayStation.Blog.