On the PSP Store this week, the price promotion on many PSP and PSOne Classics continue on the European Store. Both Stores have a selection of new demos available for download including LocoRoco Midnight Carnival and PixelJunk Monsters Delux. Zombie Tycoon, a new PSP Minis title, is also available for purchase from both stores.
PlayStation Store Update for Oct 29th 2009

Mike Kebby wasn’t lying last week when he said that Europe would be getting a massive update. Europe has indeed received a massive update with five new playable demos, price promotion on many titles and a plethora of game add-on content, including new packs for Cross Edge, Guitar Hero 5, DJ Hero and Rock Band: Beatles. The US Store update is smaller but includes three new demos, add-on game content and videos.
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 Release Date

The third iteration of the hit PSP series SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo, is making it way to the PSP in 2010. To be exact, Fireteam Bravo 3 will be available to purchase from January 12, 2010. Originally, the game was supposed to hit stores on Tuesday, November 24 2009, but has since been delayed. It’s been well over two years since Fireteam Bravo 2 was released so if you are looking for a SOCOM fix, you will have to wait a little longer.
God of War 3 Demo on District 9 Blu-Ray Disc

Come December 29th, when you snag your copy of District 9 on Blu-ray, included on the very same disc will be the highly sought after God of War III E3 2009 Demo. This hybrid disc is an industry and PlayStation first which will pair together this summer’s must see Sci-Fi BLOCKBUSTER with SCEA’s powerhouse action title. As an added bonus for God of War fans, those that complete the demo will unlock an exclusive making of featurette about God of War III.
Zombie Tycoon Now Available on PSN

Just in time for Halloween, a new PSP Minis title has hit the PlayStation Store for just £3.99/4.99. Zombie Tycoon lets you take ‘control’ of a hilarious zombie horde in order to achieve complete world domination. Doing so will require a lot brain throwing, building trashing, mascot bashing as well as equipping some of the silliest loot ever conceived.
WipEout HD Patch 2.10 Incoming

WipEout HD will be getting a patch soon, which makes some small improvements to front-end functionality and addresses some minor issues with the audio. In addition, small issues that could affect gameplay or scores in the Eliminator and Detonator game modes have also been corrected. Changes have also been made so that any adverts shown during loading screens will not adversely affect the loading times of the title.
Celebrate Halloween In PlayStation Home

This year, why not stay in and take part in the Halloween fun on the PlayStation Network. There are five exclusive new costumes available from the Threads store in the PlayStation Home Mall, including a werewolf, Frankenstein, a witch, a ghost and his and her skeleton suits. Taking place from 6-8pm (GMT) on 31st October 2009 within the Burn Zombie Burn space, all appropriately dressed attendees will get a (trick or) treat upon arrival.
Call of Duty: World at War Map Packs Half Price

For a limited time only, all Call of Duty: World at War map packs are half price on the PlayStation Store. The three World at War map packs are available for half price until November 1st 2009 and only to North America – sorry Europe! If you are missing one of the three packs, this is a perfect time to complete your collection.
God of War Collection Trophy List

The God of War Collection has gone gold – meaning development on the titles is now complete. Fans can look forward to playing God of War and God of War II in stunning HD on November 17th 2009, when the Blu-Ray collection hits shops. The two titles in the collection has been digitally remastered and also include trophy support. If you are a trophy whore, you will be glad to know that this collection has not one, but two Platinum trophies!
Brütal Legend’s DLC Will Be Free For Limited Time

The first Brütal Legend downloadable pack will hit the PlayStation Store on November 5th 2009. Dubbed The Tears of the Hextadon, the pack will include two new multiplayer maps: The Circle of Tears and Death’s Fjord, as well as the Blade of Ormagöden axe, courtesy of the fine folks at Double Fine, Sony, and EA. In addition, the DLC will be available for free for two weeks.