If you ever though that music in PlayStation games is an afterthought, think again. Sony has uploaded a video (see below) featuring the music team over at SCEA and found out quite the contrary. Games like UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves, inFAMOUS and the upcoming God of War III are proving just how amazing game music can be.
Read MoreGroove Armada Rock PlayStation Home on Dec 3rd 2009

To celebrate the launch of Groove Armada’s fantastic new Black Light album, in association with VidZone, the Presentation Podium will be re-opened on December 3rd 2009(at dusk) with a brand-new mini-game, new (exclusive) rewards and of course, exclusive music content & interview footage from the inimitable Groove Armada.
Santa Claus Coming to PlayStation Home

With Christmas just around the corner, Santa needs your help – in PlayStation Home that is. The Winter Wonderland Space will open in PlayStation Home on December 10th 2009, featuring elves, presents, Santa’s grotto and more. Final preparations are underway, however some of Santa’s helpers seem a bit … well, less than useful. Santa and his elves will need your help to complete the preparations and make sure this festival is one to remember.
LittleBigPlanet Patch v1.21 Out Monday

On Nov 30th, LittleBigPlanet will get it’s biggest game update so far, and it will be for free. The patch is packed full of great new functionality and improvements. Update 1.21, also known as Leerdammer, contains new features such as Online Create, increased profile space, improved networking, and better saving functionality. A lot of improvements will be made to the game – see all the details are below.
EyePet Patch Now Available to Download

A free update is available for EyePet allowing you to share your special video moments with other EyePet owners. You can also view and rate videos made by other players. All of these options can be found in the ‘EyePet Online’ option on the Main Menu. You will be prompted to download the update next time you boot up the game.
PlayStation Video Store Update for Nov 27th 2009

The US PlayStation Video Store hasn’t been updated this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday but the European Store has been. See the list of new titles for the UK, Spain, Germany and France below. The Dan Brown promotion is still running on the European Store until the end of this month. If you buy Angels & Demons from the store, you will recieve a voucher code to download The Da Vinci Code for free.
More Free Digital Comics for PSP Now Available
If you don’t already know, last week Sony released the first comic title for the PSP to mark the launch of the upcoming service. This week, we have two more codes to allow you to download two additional titles for free (see below). The Comic reader application is available to download from the XMB if you have firmware 6.20 installed. See below for codes to download Star Trek: Enterprise Experiment #1 and Astro Boy Movie Adaptation #1.
PlayStation Store Update for Nov 26th 2009

On the European PSP PlayStation Store this week, many new games are available for download, including Breath of Fire 3 and NBA 2K10. There are also two new PSP Minis titles available for purchase: Blast Off and Dracula. As you may have seen, the US PSP Store was updated earlier this week.
PlayStation Store Update For Nov 26th 2009

This week on the European PlayStation Store, the first two episodes of the Uncharted 2: Eye of Indra motion comics are now available download – the first episode of which is free. Two new playable demos are available too along with a new downloadable game and a PSOne classic. The US PlayStation Store was updated yesterday, in case you missed it.
Guitar Hero 6 Confirmed By Tesla’s Guitarist

Guitar Hero 6 has been confirmed to be in development, but not by publishers Activision. Tesla‘s guitarist, Dave Rude, has confirmed that their single, Modern Day Cowboy, will be a track on Guitar Hero 6. Guitar Hero 6 has yet to be officially announced by Activision, but it’s no surprise really.