SCEE has unveiled the God of War III Ultimate Trilogy Edition box set. The Ultimate Trilogy Edition can be pre-ordered in selected retailers across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, but in limited quantity. This very special edition comes in a high-end, sculpted replica of Pandora’s Box with an epic outer box which features an acetate window: you can actually see Pandora’s box before you even open it.
SCEA: Arc is a “Code Name” for Motion Controller

Despite some solid evidence that the motion controller from Sony will be called “Arc”, SCEA’s Patrick Seybold has said PlayStation Arc is a “rumored code name” for the upcoming motion controller. In a tweet, Seybold said, “We haven’t announced the name of our Motion Controller. He referred to it as a rumored code name.”
Digital Comics Update for Feb 4th 2010

With this week’s digital comic selection now live on the PlayStation Store, the total number of titles available have broken the 800 comics mark. This week, IDW have changed the price of three of their comics to FREE! The first issues of Nanovor: Game Day, FX & Star Trek: Assignment Earth can now be found in the Free Comics section of the store. Marvel have added 12 issues of Wolverine to the store too, with plenty more to come over the following weeks.
Qore Episode 21 Details

Qore Episode 21 is now available for download from the PlayStation Store, and lucky subscribers get to download the God of War III E3 demo from the download center. The February Episode also contains information on on the latest game in the Yakuza series, and a look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2‘s multiplayer component.
PlayStation Store Update for Feb 4th 2010

This week on the PSP Store, you will find a number of Minis titles discounted as part of Sony’s Minis Month – though the discounts are only available in Europe. You will also find a number demos and downloadable games from both stores. The size of the US update this week is quite small, consisting of only two games, a new video and a few premium themes. Check out the list of new content below.
PlayStation Store Update for Feb 4th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store you will find Final Fantasy VIII finally available in Europe after a few months of waiting. The Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Demo is available to download from both the US and European Stores, along with several other demos too. For the US, the new episode of Qore is also available to download. Check out the list of new content below.
Aliens vs Predator Demo Available Today

The three-way rumble between the Colonial Marines, the Predators, and the Aliens will commence today when the multiplayer demo of emAliens vs. Predator/em hits the PlayStation Store. Sega has confirmed that the demo will launch simultaneously on PlayStation Store, Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam today.
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Modern Warfare 2 Has Sold Over 12 Million Copies

Despite Modern Warfare 2 being released in November 2009, it continued to dominate the global games chart through to the end of 2009. According to MVC, GfK-ChartTrack has confirmed that Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 sold nearly 12m units worldwide last year. More precisely, the game sold 11.86m units before 2009 came to an end.
BioShock 2 Launch Trailer

BioShock 2 is almost here, and we have just received the launch trailer from Sony (check it out below). The game will be available in North American and Europe from February 9th 2010. You can also pick up the Rapture Edition of BioShock 2, exclusive to Zavvi, for £29.95. Check out the launch trailer below.
PixelJunk Heads to PlayStation Home

PlayStation Home will be updated this week adding lots of new things for you to enjoy. First and foremost, the PixelJunk Game Space heads to Home with two separate spaces for you to explore. After stopping off at the PixelJunk Museum, stop off at the store and pick up a new mask, headphones or shirt before heading to the PixelJunk Shooter Exhibition.