On the PSP Store this week, Fat Princess is available to download in Europe and The Eye of Judgement Legends is available to purchase from both stores. Both stores have a number of new downloadable titles available for purchase. The European store also has two new minis titles and the US store has some new XMB themes.
Digital Comics Update for Mar 11th 2010

This week, the first ever five issues of The X-Men (1963) from Marvel have been added to the Comic Store. Also, Red 5 return with the first issue of We Kill Monsters – an action-comedy in which two brothers discover monsters in their sleepy town and the power to do something about it – is also available.
PlayStation Store Update For Mar 11th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, we blast off with the side scrolling shoot’em up Mega Man 10. A number of PSOne Classics such as Jigsaw Madness and SuperStar Dance Club are available. The Resident Evil 5 demo has been re-released. Next up we have the promised Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack as BioShock 2’s first DLC and yet more DLC for Resident Evil 5 up for download.
Joe Danger Coming To PSN

In the likes of Little Big Planet and ModNation Racers, the PlayStation blog has announced the release of a fun-filled, side scrolling motor bike racing game titled Joe Danger that has been developed by an indie outfit based in the UK.
Sony Patents ‘Degradable’ Demo

Sony has patented a game demo technology that would initially provide players with a full version of a game, but as time progresses, the game would start to degrade or deteriorate leaving players with the bare bones of the game. The full version could then be restored via an unlock code.
SOCOM 4 Supports Move And “Sub-controller” Attachment Revealed

Sony has announced a wireless attachment for the PlayStation Move called the Sub-controller. SOCOM 4 is to support both the Move and Sub-controller devices. A demonstration of the game showed aiming and shooting being handled by the Move unit, while the Sub-controller handled movement and other functions.
BREAKING NEWS: Motion Controller Named PlayStation Move

Just in from the Game Developers Conference 2010 in San Francisco, Sony has revealed the official name for the Motion Controller, and guess what, it’s not called the Arc! Instead, the device has been named as PlayStation Move.
Qore Episode 22 Details

With Final Fantasy XIII just released, Qore’s got an in-depth walk-through of this stunning title. Get the real story on the story, characters, and fascinating insights provided by exclusive interviews with creators Motumu Toriyama, Yoshinori Kitase and Yuji Abe. There’s also an interactive gallery of gameplay tips, and a look back at the launch day in Japan.
God Of War III Release Is Nigh

With as little as a week remaining for the release of God of War III, one of the most [if not thee] anticipated games of 2010 and contender for the game of the year award, we at Xtreme PS3 were inclined to list a few facts regarding the game to add our share to the hype-o-meter.
BioShock 2 DLC Dated

The very first downloadable content for BioShock 2 has been announced by 2K Games. The Sinclair Solutions Test Pack will be available for download worldwide on PSN from March 11th at a price of $4.99 for the US, while a European price is yet to be revealed.