This week’s list of new arrivals is filled with solid classic titles and some adaptations of your favorite heroes or stories. On the classics side, you can find the first ever five episodes of Stan Lee’s Daredevil. And, for a new spin on the JJ Abrams’ blockbuster Star Trek you can find Star Trek: The Movie Adaptation #1. Check out the full list below to see the other hits like Transformers, The X-Men, G.I. Joe, and Transformers: The Movie Sequel.
System Software Ver. 3.21
- The [Install Other OS] and [Default System] features have been deleted.
- The playback quality of some PlayStation format software that is downloaded (as a purchase or for free) from PlayStation®Store has been improved.
- A security patch was added to address security vulnerabilities that may occur when playing MP4 format video files.
PlayStation Store Update for April 1st 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, the first DLC for Heavy Rain and Army of Two: The 40th Day is now available for download. You can also find new DLC for many other titles, including LittleBigPlanet, Rock Band and Guitar Hero. The Namco Museum Essentials demo and full game is available to download or purchase in Europe, as well as the Warhawk Dynamic Theme.
PlayStation Home Update: Star Wars + Ghostbusters

This week in PlayStation Home, fans of Star Wars and Ghostbusters have something to look forward to. A number of Star War themed content will be available later today, from a selection of t-shirts and caps to a full Stormtrooper, Clone Troopers and Imperial Officer costumes. In addition, you can also purchase a black lightsaber and some furniture for your personal space.
PlayStation Store Update for April 1st 2010

Not a lot of new titles are available on the PSP Store this week. Europe has three new downloadable titles available for purchase along with a new minis title. Game add-on content includes new LittleBigPlanet costume and level kit, and an update to Buzz! Quiz World. Finally, you will gind a new theme and wallpaper available for download.
Qore Episode 23 Details

The new issue of Qore will be released later today as part of the PlayStation Store update. Episode 23 takes a look at the carnage and glory of God of War III, with Veronica Belmont interviewing game director Stig Asmussen and lead combat designer Adam Poole about the entire process, from developing Kratos’ character model and enlivening the Gods to creating the scale of the epic Titan battles.
Yakuza 3 Review

Yakuza has always been a game that has been immensely popular in Japan while only gaining relative success on western shores among a niche market. Fans of the Yakuza franchise have been asking for it for a long time and with Yakuza 4 about to hit Japan us western gamers have finally got our chance to experience all that Yakuza has to offer in the form of Yakuza 3. Does it emerge victorious or get reduced to a bloody, beaten pile on the floor?
Rumor Alert: God of War III Getting Multiplayer DLC

If a recent PlayStation Magazine scan is to be believed, God of War III will be getting some downloadable content soon. However, this is no ordinary content. The scan shows that the game will be getting some kind of multiplayer content, expanding the current single-player aspect of the game. The scan, originally posted on the GameTrailers forums, can be found below.
FirstPlay Episode 1 Available on April 8th 2010

The first episode of FirstPlay will be available to download next week from the PlayStation Store. The final phase of the beta was recently announced and will be starting sometime this week, prior to the general public release. New episodes will be released weekly costing 99p each. However, gamers can purchase three-month subscriptions for £8.99, consisting of 13 episodes per quarter.
Hotz: “Don’t Update” to Firmware 3.21

George Hotz, responsible for hacking the PS3 and causing the removal of the OtherOS functionality on the PS3 is recommending that user do not update to Firmware 3.21. Why not? Hots is looking to release a custom firmware once the new update is released to retain the OtherOS option for those that want it.