If you can’t get enough of MAG, you’ll be happy to know that you will be able to personalize your Home Personal Space and Avatar with furniture and costumes from the game. You can find the Ballistic Armour set for S.V.E.R., Reinforced Composite Armour for Raven, while for Valor there’s the Reinforced Fibre Armour. Also available for each faction are a Footlocker and Lamp or Light Fixture.
UK PlayStation Video Store Update for April 7th 2010

The UK PlayStation Store has been updated a bit later than usual this week due to the Easter holidays. On the store this week, you can find a total of five new titles to buy and five new titles to rent. In addition, the April Foolishness Sale is still on so be sure to check out the available titles, starting from £5.99.
GeoHot Enables OtherOS with Custom Firmware v3.21OO

If you haven’t updated to official firmware v3.21 yet because no OtherOS support, here is some good news for you. iPhone and PS3 hacker George Hotz (aka GeoHot) has released a video showing his custom firmware in action with the OtherOS functionality still enabled. The custom firmware hasn’t been released yet but using it on your PS3 does not require any hardware or software hacks.
Quantum Theory Delayed Until Summer 2010

Quantum Theory was first unveiled back in 2008 as a new IP for Tecmo Koei, and was scheduled for release in March 2010. The title has now been delayed with a ballpark date of “Summer 2010,” according to Tecmo Koei America. Tecmo Koei originally announced that the game would not make the March 2010 release date back in February of this year.
Blue Toad Murder Files Episodes 4-6 Available Tomorrow

The exclusive PSN title, Blue Toad Murder Files, is coming to an end tomorrow when the final three episodes are released on the European PlayStation Store. Fans of the game will finally be able to decipher the mysteries surrounding Little Riddle. Episodes 4-6 will be available to purchase for £9.99 and the first episode of the title will be required.
Final Fantasy IX Heading to PSN

Soon you will be able to join Zidane, Garnet, Vivi and the other characters from Final Fantasy IX. The will soon be joining the ranks of Final Fantasy VII, VIII and Tactics, when it is released on the PlayStation Network. Square Enix has confirmed that the title will be heading to Japan soon with North American and European releases in the future.
PS3 Goes Portable with Hori Docking Station

The latest PS3 accessory from Japan is perfect if you travel around a lot. Japanese game peripheral maker HORI (which also sells stuff in the US) announced a portable LCD screen, which, once attached to the top of a PS3 Slim, makes the console (somewhat) portable. The product is licensed by Sony and sized at 295×255×55mm. Buyers also get a built-in stereo speaker, two headphone jacks, and component/ multi-AV out interfaces.
PlayStation 3 GameOS Leaked

Despite Sony’s attempt to thwart hackers by removing the OtherOS functionality in the recent Firmware 3.21 update, two hackers, going by the names of JaicraB and DemonHades, have managed to extract the GameOS from the system and leak it publicly. What does mean? Now that the code for the GameOS is publicly available, others can reverse engineer the code and discover new exploits in the system.
“It Only Does Everything” Campaign Successful for Sony

You may have seen the “It Only Does Everything” PS3 advert on TV or on the Internet on more than one occasion. Speaking at the MI6 marketing conference in San Francisco last week, Peter Dille, SCEA’s head of marketing, said the company’s ‘It Only Does Everything’ PlayStation 3 advertisement campaign is working increasing sales for the console by 184 percent in the three months following the price cut.
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Blu-ray Discs Expanded to 128GB

The capacity of the Blu-ray disc has been expanded yet again, but this time it has resulted in a new sub-format: BDXL. The new format can store up to 128GB (write-once) or 100GB (rewritable), more than doubling the capacity of the dual-layer BD, disc which can hold up to 50GB of data. Unfortunately, the PlayStation 3 will not be compatible with the new format, even with a firmware update.