Today’s PlayStation Store update adds the Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Demo for all to download. The demo lets you together with up to 16 players, grab some weapons, jump in a vital suit and compete in Elimination, Team Elimination, or Data post Grab modes. The demo shows off just some of what the full game contains, which ships on May 11th 2010.
PlayStation Store Update for April 22nd 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, a number of new downloadable games are available to download, as well as new playable demos, including the Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Demo. New DLC is also available for a number of titles, including the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Siege Expansion Pack and new tracks for Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Gamers in the UK can also download FirstPlay Episode 003.
PS3 Firmware 3.30 Coming Soon

The PlayStation 3 will be getting a new mandatory firmware update shortly, with many improvements to the trophy system. In addition, the update preps the PS3 system for some upcoming new features, including 3D stereoscopic gaming, which is coming soon to PS3, in time for the launch of Sony’s 3D BRAVIA TVs.
Uncharted 2 ‘Siege’ Expansion Pack Now Available

The Uncharted 2 ‘Siege’ Expansion Pack is now available to download from the PlayStation Store. Costing only $5.99, the expansion pack adds two new maps, six new multiplayer skins, one new co-op game type and 11 new online-only Trophies. In addition, you can earn double cash this weekend.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fact Sheet

Following the release of the official trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 yesterday, Capcom has now revealed confirmed facts about the game. The game will use the same engine as Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2, delivering beautiful animations and backgrounds to the game. The 3-on-3 tag team fighting system also makes a return to the title along with an evolved fighting system.
PlayStation Home Gets Sodium Update and FFXIII Clothing

PlayStation Home gets its weekly update tomorrow, and this week’s highlight is the Ghost Pirate Ship from Monkey Island, Final Fantasy XIII costumes and updates to Sodium. In addition to the Ghost Pirate Ship personal space, you can also pick up new furniture and costumes related to the title.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves v1.07 Patch Details

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves has received a new update today, patching the game to version v1.07. The update includes some bug fixes and tweaks to the game, but nothing new is added to the title. You can find more information about what has been changed below.
April Edition of Qore Gets Late Addition

If you purchased or subscribed to the April episode of Qore earlier this month, the Qore team have a little surprise for you. Episode 23 will be updated to allow customers to download an exclusive demo of ModNation Racers for the PSP. The demo will be available to download from tomorrow, April 22nd 2010, by visiting the download center in the episode.
Fat Princess for PSP Delayed

If you were waiting for a fistful of cake, you may have to wait a little longer. The release of Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake for the PSP has been pushed back according to recent reports – but only by a week. The game was expected to be released next week, on April 27th 2010, but has now been moved to a May 4th release.
Ubisoft to Stop Producing Paper Game Manuals

It’s good to see games companies doing their bit for the environment. Ubisoft, publisher of many games including Assassin’s Creed and Prince of Persia, is set to eliminate manuals from their PS3 and XBox 360 packaging, replacing them with digital manuals available on the disc, much like Sony did with the PSOne classics.