The US PSP store has been updated today with several new downloadable games, including Fat Princess: Fistful Of Cake (after a short delay) and Iron Man 2. Four new PSP Minis titles are also available to download and new DLC for What Did I Do To Deserve This My Lord! 2. Check out the list of new content below.
FirstPlay Episode 5 Details

The first episode of FirstPlay for May hits the PlayStation Store later today (yes, on a Wednesday). Episode 5 features a review of God Of War Collection, the HD refit of God Of War I and II which hit the shops last week, an in-depth look at upcoming racer ModNation Racers, and a preview of motorbike racer SBK X.
PlayStation Store Update for May 4th 2010

May the 4th be with you – the US PlayStation Store has been updated today (the publish day has been moved, remember?). New to the store this week in the UFC 2010 playable demo and the Lead and Gold downloadable game. The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package is also available for download along with DLC for other titles. Check out the complete list of new content below.
PlayStation Protection Plan Announced in US

With the number of PS3s getting the Yellow Light of Death (YLOD) these days, its no surprise that gamers are worried about their precious consoles. Sony has now announced an affordable way to insure your PS3 and PSP for up to two additional years on top of the one year manufacturer’s warranty. The pricing includes all shipping charges and repairs, which are performed by PlayStation-trained service technicians at SCEA-authorized repair facilities.
Rumor Alert: Sony E3 Line-Up Leaked

With E3 only a month away, the rumor mill has started churning through all the possible announcements we could expect. For starters, the list of “confirmed” games from Sony, Microsoft and a few other publishers has been leaked, showing some expected and surprising titles in the list. Naturally, the leaked list should be taken with a grain of salt as some of the titles seem to be a little far fetched.
Super Street Fighter IV Tops 1 Million Mark

Capcom has announced, in a press release, that Super Street Fighter IV has broken the 1 million mark worldwide. The game which was released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in North America as Asia on April 27th and was just released in Europe yesterday. The press release indicated that 1 million units were shipped worldwide, but the title has not yet sold 1 million units.
PlayStation Move Developer Diary: Move Party

Move Party was first unveiled at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco back in March. The developers have been tweaking the game for a while now making sure they can cram as much fun into each of the games as we can before launching in the fall. Check out the developer diary video below to learn more.
US Video Store Update for April 30th 2010

This week’s US PlayStation Store features Showtime’s United States of Tara: Season 1, exciting episodes from Bleach-The Entry, and the last week of discounted episodes for Drawn Together Season 1, 2, and 3. You can also find a free episode from Season 1 and 2 of Party Down and a unique recap of the popular show V from the ‘Free TV’ section.
Toy Story 3: The Video Game Details For PS3

Disney has made some special announcements regarding Toy Story 3 for the PlayStation 3, which hits shops from July 16th 2010. Not only will the PS3 version exclusively feature the ability to play as Zurg, but it will also include some PlayStation Move minigames. The game gives players two ways to experience Toy Story 3: Story Mode and Toy Box Mode, a sandbox style of gameplay set in the Toy Story universe.
PlayStation Store Update for April 29th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, there’s not a lot available on the European Store. 2010 FIFA World Cup is available to purchase from both stores and Europe has a new minis title, which the US has six new titles. The US Store also has a selection of premium XMB themes and the European store has a new playable demo. Check out the list of new content below.