It’s clear that LittleBigPlanet has been a success for both Sony and Media Molecule. Sony not only announced the sequel earlier this week, they also revealed that LittleBigPlanet has sold over three million units – not a bad start for Media Molecule’s first PS3 title. In addition to selling 3 million units, over 2 million levels have also been created.
Digital Comics Update for May 12th 2010

This week on the PSP Comic Store the third volume of Atomic Robo starts this week as well as the new series Garters and Ghouls from IDW. The Immortal Iron Fist also returns this week and more Transformers comics too. Finally, a new graphic novel from Markosia, Flying Friar, also hits the store.
US PlayStation Store Update for May 11th 2010

On the US PSP Store this week, a new downloadable game is available as well as the ModNation Racers PSP Demo. You can find new add-on content for LittleBigPlanet and a selection of new videos, premium XMB themes and some free wallpaper.
US PlayStation Store Update for May 11th 2010

This week on the US PlayStation Store, you can find two Spring Fever Bundles to cheese from, each with a number of quality games. Qore Episode 24 is now available to download and there is a new downloadable game and demo too. There is also a lot of new game add-on content, including LittleBigPlanet costumes, Batman: Arkham Asylum map packs and more.
Red Dead Redemption Screens

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption is coming to the PS3 and Xbox 360 later this month. The game will be available in North America from May 18th 2010 and in Europe from May 21st 2010. Red Dead Redemption is an epic battle for survival in a beautiful open world as John Marston, a former outlaw, struggles to bury his blood-stained past, one man at a time.
EA Annonced E3 2010 Games Line-Up

EA is all prepped for E3 2010 next month, and has officially announced their games line-up. A number of games have been confirmed for the expo including Dead Space 2, FIFA 11 and The Sims 3 Console. The press conference will take place on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 2:00 PM, and will be hosted by John Riccitiello, John Schappert, and other EA execs.
Qore Episode 24 Details

Qore Episode 24 is now available to download from the US PlayStation Store today and includes a early look at LittleBigPlanet 2. The team visited Media Molecule in the UK to understand how the creativity of the community inspired them to push the boundaries in the sequel to transform the platform game into a platform for games.
FirstPlay Episode 6 Details

Episode 006 of FirstPlay hits the PlayStation Store this Wednesday, marking one and a half months since the the first release. This week, you can find HD video of Lost Planet 2, a preview of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and a review of of twinkle-eyed retro adventure 3D Dot Game Heroes.
PSN Issue Fully Fixed

The PlayStation Network in Europe was experiencing issues last week, preventing users from adding money to their PlayStation Wallet among other issues. Sony Europe has confirmed that the issues have now been resolved via their twitter account. The original issue list can be found in the original article.
BioShock 2 Rapture Metro DLC Available Today

The Rapture Metro downloadable content pack and the “Kill ’em Kindly” downloadable mode for BioShock 2 hits the US PlayStation Store later today. Both of the DLC packs are multiplayer-focused. The Rapture Metro Pack contains a rank increase to 50 and, when you reach it, you’ll win the opportunity to begin anew with Rebirth mode. This resets you to Rank 1 with a Golden Bunny Mask, and a prestigious indicator next to your name to taunt lesser organisms.