New comics are available on the PSP Comics Store today. First off, Icon deliveres two solid comics to follow-up Kick Ass and Powers this week with the release of Criminal and Incognito. The first six episodes of Criminal and the first five of Incognito are available to download from the store. You can also find new episodes of other favourites including Star Trek, Transformers and Wolverine.
European PlayStation Store Update for May 19th 2010

This week on the European PSP Store, the public demo of ModNation Racers is finally available to download as well as the full game. Three other new titles are also available to download and a new minis title too. Not a lot of new game add-on content is available though. Check out the list of additions below.
European PlayStation Store Update for May 19th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store, the ModNation Racers demo is finally available to download. Episode 007 of FirstPlay is also available too. There is new game add-on content for many titles as you can also find a new dynamic theme and some XMB wallpapers.
PlayStation Video Store Headed Down Under

The PlayStation Video Store is finally making its way to Australia, after being exclusively available in the US and a select few countries in Europe. The service launches in Australia tomorrow with hundreds of movies available to purchase and download from as little as AU$4.
Rumor Alert: PSP2 Announcement at E3?

If last year was anything to go by (when the PSPgo was announced), Sony could be prepping another big announcement for the PSP. According to MVC, a number of publishers are waiting for an announcement of the next iteration of the PSP before announcing their games line-up for the portable console.
Rumor Alert: PlayStation Home Going Region-Free

Another recent rumor circulating the Internet suggests that PlayStation Home may be losing it’s current region-locked areas. Currently, users from a particular region (e.g. US) must be invite to visit another region (e.g. Japan) from a friend, it also means you can only socialize and play games players from the same region – the new change would mean everyone is in the same place.
US PlayStation Store Update for May 18th 2010

This week on the US PSP Store, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is now available to download and so are two new Minis titles. There is new game add-on content for LittleBigPlanet, The Eye of Judgement and Buzz! Quiz World. Finally, there is a new selection of videos and XMB themes available for download.
US PlayStation Store Update for May 18th 2010

This week on the US PlayStation Store,you can find a number of new downloadable games, including Episode 2 of Sam & Max, and you can also find four new playable demos, including Iron Man 2 and ModNation Racers. There is lots of new content for games, including Split/Second and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, among others.
FirstPlay Episode 7 Details

It’s been seven week already – and the 7th issue of FirstPlay hits the PlayStation Store tomorrow. This week’s episode this includes a preview of Rockstar’s cold-eyed six-shoot ‘em up, Red Dead Redemption, with a full review coming in a future episode. Episode 007 also features UFC 2010 and Skate 3.
Rumor Alert: Firmware 3.40 Coming Soon

A recent rumor going around suggests that Firmware 3.40 will be available to download soon. According to TheSixthAxis, the firmware was released to developers late last week, so it will take a few weeks of testing before a public release. Unfortunately, no details on the update are actually available, so we don’t know if anything new has been added.