The entire Harry Potter collection is now available from the US PlayStation Store, plus if you buy before the end of the month, you can save on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Also head over to the Deal of the Week section under Featured Collections and New Releases to save up to 50% on Street Fighter TV episodes and films.
FirstPlay Gets 4 Free Minis Over 4 Weeks

Over the next four weeks, FirstPlay will feature a different free Minis title in each episode. Starting with Episode 007, which is out now, you will be able to download Echoes free. The four minis are worth £12.96 altogether and can be downloaded by purchasing each episode separately or subscribing.
Red Dead Redemption Sells 550,000 Copies on Day One

Preliminary sales data for Red Dead Redemption indicated that the title as sole around 550,000 units in the US on day one. The game is now also available in Europe which could break sales for the title past the one million mark. VGChartz estimates worldwide week one sales of around 1.2 – 1.3 million units, making it another fast selling game in 2010.
LittleBigPlanet 2 FAQ

If you were anxious to learn more about LittleBigPlanet 2, Media Molecule has put together a list of frequently asked questions about the upcoming title. The FAQ, which we have included for you below, covers everything from Backwards Compatibility with levels from the first title to DLC and new Create tool.
Final Fantasy IX Now Available In Japan

Final Fantasy IX is now available on the Japanese PlayStation Store as a PSOne classic title, compatible with both the PS3 and PSP. The title costs ¥1,500 (approx $16 / £12) to purchase, and need 1.5GB of space on your hard drive or memory stick. The US version of the game will be available “soon”.
UFC 2010 Requires Code to Play Online

THQ has confirmed that online gameplay in UFC 2010 will require a code before you can play. The code will be shipped with the game, but second-hand purchases will not be able to reuse the code. Additional gameplay codes will be available for purchase via the PlayStation Network, costing as little as $5.
Torne Getting Major Update

The PlayStation 3 DVR Kit, Torne, will be receiving a major update next month adding several new features. The update will bring the device to version 2.0 and allow users to record HD footage three times longer than the currently supported, and will allow users to pause, rewind or forward TV while recording it.
Top 10 Minis Title on PlayStation Store

Sony has revealed the top 10 most downloaded minis titles on the PlayStation store in a recent episode of PULSE. Minis are small game, less than 100 MB in size and cost under $10 to buy. Over 50 minis titles have been released since the collection was first launched, and it’s somewhat unsurprising that Tetris is leading.
White Knight Chronicles 2 Will Require Mandatory HDD Installation

Another game has been confirmed to require a installation of game data to the PlayStation 3 hard drive before you can play. PlayStation 3 exclusive title White Knight Chronicles: Awakening of Light and Darkness will require a installation of up to 4GB of data, double that of the previous title, according to reports.
Hustle Kings Getting Patched This Week

At 5:00pm tomorrow, Hustle Kings receives a new patch that improves the game and preps the title for a new downloadable pack coming in June. The patch tomorrow will improve the breaking mechanics to add a randomization element, as well as add a number of visual tweaks to the game – the changelog can be found below.