A number of new screens for recently announced Killzone 3 have appeared. In addition, there is also an interview with Guerrilla Games producer, Steven Ter Heide, available to watch. Check out the 10 new screens and PlayStation.Blog interview below.
US PlayStation Video Store Update for May 28th 2010

The biggest highlight this week on the US PlayStation Store is the addition of HBO. You can now download popular HBO shows including True Blood Seasons 1 and 2, Entourage, Sopranos, The Wire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and many more. Be sure to also check out the launch of Marvel this week with great episodes of Iron Man Extremis, Wolverine and the X-Men, and Fantastic Four World’s Greatest Heroes.
Rumor Alert: Team Ico Collection Coming In 2011

Just like the God of War Collection, Team Ico is expected to bring out their own collection consisting of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. TheSixthAxis was told unofficially that the collection is on the way and is due in early 2011. Both titles will be available on Blu-ray disc for the PlayStation, presumably on the same disc and with optimised graphics.
Andrew House Confirms Premium PSN Coming Soon

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Andrew House has confirmed their plans to introduce the often-rumored premium PSN service in a recent fan in question & answer post. The premium PSN idea was revealed by Kaz Hirai a few months ago, and House has confirmed that more details will be available soon.
ModNation Racers and Red Dead Redemption Hits PlayStation Home

Following up on the launch of the popular ModNation Racers event in the PlayStation Events Space, the recently released kart racer has got a dedicated space in PlayStation Home this week. The space features a fun of the Sticker Wall and a addictive built-in kart mini-game.
Digital Comics Update for May 26th 2010

Liquid Comics are the latest publisher to release their comics on the Digital Comics store this week. Originally known as Virgin Comics, and founded by Sir Richard Branson, they focus on collaborating with creative talent from around the world. If you’d like a taster then you can download Snakewoman #0 and Ramayan 3392 AD: Origins for FREE.
European PlayStation Store Update for May 26th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store, you can find the second episode of Sam and Max along with three new downloadable game. Three new Minis titles are available and Final Fantasy IX is also available for purchase. Two new playable demos are available, along with new add-on content too. FirstPlay Episode 008 is also available for purchase, featuring a free Minis title, and you can also find Uncharted 2 Avatars.
European PlayStation Store Update for May 26th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store, there are four new downloadable games available including Iron man2. You can also find three new Minis titles and Final Fantasy IX is also now available as a PSOne classic (playable on both the PSP and PS3). You can also find one new demo, new game add-on content and a new trailer.
PlayStation 3 Reaches 31% Market Share

According to analysis published by Strategy Analytics, the PlayStation 3 increased global market share to 31% in Q1 of this year. The report, “Games Consoles: Sony’s PS3 Increases Global Share In Q1 2010,” predicts that full year global sales of the PS3 will reach 14 million, compared to 17.5 million for Nintendo’s Wii and 10.5 million for Microsoft’s Xbox 360.
US PlayStation Store Update for May 25th 2010

This week on the US PSP Store, you can find three new downloadable games including ModNation Racers. There are also two new Minis titles available and new game add-on content for LittleBigPlanet, Buzz! Quiz World and ModNation Racers. Finally, there are four new videos available and some premium XMB themes.