This week on the PSP Comic Store you can find the recent cinematic extravaganza, Alice in Wonderland. The graphic novel adaptation has amazing artwork and a script spun off the Johnny Depp film. You can also find Astonishing Tales (2009) featuring an assortment of stories from the Marvel Universe.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 15th 2010

This week on the US PSP Store, you can find the Worms Battle Island playable demo and a whopping 10 new Minis titles available for purchase. There is also game add-on content for Toy Story 3, LittleBigPlanet and Buzz! Quiz World. Finally, check out the new game videos and premium XMB themes on the store below.
Visit the Sony E3 Booth in PlayStation Home

If you were unable to visit E3 2010 this year, worry not. Sony has recreated the entire booth virtually in PlayStation Home. You can watch Jack Tretton’s 2010 E3 press conference and get briefed on what to expect from the PlayStation platform in the coming months or check out the latest games and collect exclusive PlayStation Home rewards.
E3 2010: PlayStation Network Tops 50 Million Registered Accounts

In Sony’s E3 2010 Press Conference, Jack Tretton revealed that the PlayStation Network has more than 50 million registered accounts, the highest of the three major consoles. The PlayStation Network was launched in 2006 and registrations have continued to grow rapidly. This confirms a study earlier this year stating that the PS3 has the highest percentage of connected consoles.
E3 2010: Cross-Game Chat Confirmed for PS3

According to Sony, Cross-Game Chat will be a new feature on the PS3 with Firmware 3.40 is available to download later this month. The confirmation about cross-game chat first appeared on the Swedish PlayStation Website, but was later taken down. It appears that cross-game chat will be part of PlayStation Plus.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 15th 2010

The US PlayStation Store has received a massive update this week with four new downloadable games, four new playable demos, Final Fantasy IX PSone classic and three new game bundles. You can also find a variety of new game add-on content, new PSN avatars, XMB themes and game videos.
E3 2010: Killzone 3 Boxart Revealed

Killzone 3 may not be due for release until February 2011, but Sony has released the boxart for the title already (see below). The game will be both PlayStation Move and full stereoscopic 3D gameplay. The boxart itself is much lighter that the first two games but still features a Helghast character on the cover.
PS3 Firmware 3.40 Coming June 22nd 2010

The PlayStation 3 will be getting a new Firmware update on June 22nd, bringing the System Software to version v3.40. The new firmware update will activate Automatic Downloads for PlayStation Plus subscribers and set the system up for other PlayStation Plus functionality.
E3 2010: PlayStation Move Out September 2010

Sony has announced that the PS3 motion controller, the PlayStation Move, will be heading to stores in September. Sony made the announcement at their E3 2010 Press Conference a few hour ago. The pricing structure of the new controller was also revealed along with the bundle options.
E3 2010: inFamous 2 Trailer

At Sony’s E3 2010 Press Conference, the first trailer for inFamous 2 was shown off to the public. In inFAMOUS 2, Cole starts out as a full on superhero and only gets more and more powerful. It’s more visceral, brutal and personal experience that commands you attention, making you feel the part of the superhero in every decision you make… be it for good or evil. You can check out the E3 trailer below.