Another day at E3 2010 comes to an end and another PlayStation Store update has been published. Check out the E3 2010 Collection on the Store, found under New Releases to check out the latest trailers. Noteworthy new videos include Pulse E3 Special Edition 2, the Final Fantasy XIV Trailer, and Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood E3 Trailer.
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E3 2010: Trailers You May Have Missed

Sony has released a number of trailers this week at E3, and we have four more trailers you may have missed. Sony couldn’t fit every upcoming game into their press conference so they have released more trailers separately – you can check them out below.
MotorStorm Apocalypse Trailer

The trailer to the third MotorStorm title, MotorStorm Apocalypse, was revealed at London’s Fabric nightclub this week. You can find the same trailer for your viewing pleasure below. The premise this time around, according to Evolution Studios’ Matt Southern, is urban off-road racing. This is not a post-apocalyptic city; you’re there during the apocalypse and every second of every race you’re bombarded with earthquakes, explosions and other environmental madness.
E3 2010: Final Fantasy XIV Extended Trailer

Sony revealed a new trailer for Final Fantasy XIV at their Press Conference on Tuesday. We have a extended version of the same trailer for you to enjoy below. It’s been a while since a new trailer was release, but we have to admit the game is shaping up nicely.
E3 2010: PlayStation Store Update for June 16th 2010

The PlayStation Store has been updated for the second time this week, bring with it the newest content from E3 2010. The US PlayStation Store has been updated with lots of new game trailers and videos, and the final two parts of the Sony Press Conference are also up for download. Check out the list of new PS3 and PSP videos below.
E3 2010: Heavy Rain: Move Edition Dated for October

Heavy Rain: Move Edition is a updated version of this year’s classic interactive thriller that lets players use Sony’s new motion control to carry out movements within the game. The game will be updated to support the PlayStation Move controller in October 2010, almost a month after the controller launches.
European PlayStation Store Update for June 16th 2010

Considering its E3 week this week, the European PSP Store has received a fairly small update. You can find a number of new downloadable titles including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Toy Story 3. You can also find a new Minis title, a new PSone classic and a new playable demo. Finally, you can also download some PSP trailers from E3.
European PlayStation Store Update for June 16th 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store you can find the Tales of Monkey Island as well as new Minis and PSone classics. There is lots of new game add-on content for various titles including a huge number of new tracks for Singstar. Episode 11 of FirstPlay is now available to purchase and you can also find a number of game trailer from E3 2010.
E3 2010: PlayStation Move UK Pricing Revealed

PlayStation Move hits the UK a little later than the rest of Europe. The motion controller will be available to purchase in most European countries from September 15th 2010, but will hits the UK on September 17th 2010. The pricing details for the UK have also been revealed by SCEE – the PlayStation Move Pack offers the best value for money and contains everything you need to get started including three games.
E3 2010: PlayStation Plus UK Pricing Revealed

Now that PlayStation Plus is official, SCEE has revealed the pricing details for the UK. The service launches on June 29th 2010 and comes with a free three-month subscription period if you subscribe for one year. The cost in the UK for a 12-month subscription will be £39.99, or you can get a 3-month subscription for £11.99.