Hulu has announced that Hulu Plus, their newest subcription-based premium service to view TV content, is finally heading to the PS3 starting next month, with the Xbox 360 receiving the service in early 2011. The new service, which is already available on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, will cost $9.99 a month.
inFamous Now Available on PSN

inFamous has been available on Blu-ray disc for well over a year now, but the game is finally available to download from the PlayStation Network. With the release of PlayStation Plus today, subscribers can download the 60-minute trial of the full game for free.
5-in-1 Arcade Mini Getting Facebook Support

While the PS3 already has Facebook support in a few games and on the XMB, the PSP has yet to see similar treatment. The first Minis title will Facebook support will be 5-in-1 Arcade Hits, from Czech developer Grip Games. The title will be available to download from the PlayStation Store this week for €2.99.
PSP System Software Ver. 6.30
- [By Format] has been added to the options menu for [Group Content].
FirstPlay Episode 13 Details

FirstPlay Episode 13 will be available to download from the PlayStation Store tomorrow featuring a HD preview of Lara Croft’s new top-down adverture The Guardian Of Light. You can also find Activision’s new racer Blur, and motorcycle platformer Joe Danger.
System Software Ver. 3.40

- [Deep Color Output (HDMI)] has been added as an option under [Display Settings].
- [Automatic Download] has been added as a feature under [System Settings]. This feature is exclusively for use by PlayStation Plus members.
- The default setting for [System Auto-Off] under [Power Save Settings] has been changed to [After 2 Hours].
- You can now print a photo in [Photo Gallery].
- You can now delete a photo in [Photo Gallery].
- [PlayStation®Network Area] has been added under [Photo Gallery]. You can now use Photo Gallery to browse photos from Facebook® or Picasa™ Web Albums. You can also share photos from Photo Gallery with your Friends on PlayStation Network.
- [Video Editor & Uploader] has been added under [Video]. Using the video editing and uploading feature, you can now edit video content that is saved on your PS3 system’s hard disk and upload it to Facebook or YouTube™.
- PlayStation Plus membership is now supported on PlayStation Network.
- You can now see the trophy level of a Friend by selecting the Friend’s avatar.
- You can now use a five-star rating system to evaluate products that you purchase from PlayStation Store.
- The internal clock functionality that accounts for leap years has been improved.
Fat Princess Patch v1.06 Details

Today, Fat Princess will receive a new patch and new DLC to expand the game further. The Fat Princess Fat Roles DLC (USD $4.99) unleashes Pirates, Ninjas and Giants into the world of Fat Princess. These three new character classes bring a whole new level of awesomeness to the frenzied 32-player battles.
PS3 Firmware 3.40 Now Available

Firmware 3.40 is now live and available to download, in addition, PlayStation Plus has been officially released – you can subscribe to the service directly from the PlayStation Store (after updating to the new firmware). Firmware 3.40 not only adds PlayStation Plus features, it also includes a few other changes and enhancements (see below).
Marvel Coming to LittleBigPlanet

From July 7th 2010, your favorite comic book characters from Marvel will be heading to LittleBigPlanet. Although MediaMolecule has kept the costumes a secret, they did reveal a total of 20 Marvel costumes will be available to download for the game including Captain America, Daredevil, Spider-Man and more (see full list below).
PlayStation Move Charging Station

Another accessory revealed at E3 2010 is the PlayStation Move Charging Station. The device is capable of charging two controllers simultaneously, whether its two Move controllers or one Move controller and one Navigation controller.