The Minis range of games for the PSP and PS3 has hit the 1 million download mark, across PAL and US territories. The Minis range was first launched in October 2009 to coincide with the launch of the PSPgo, and has taken nearly 10 months to reach the figure.
Read MoreEuropean PlayStation Store Update for July 14th 2010

On the European PSP Store this week you can find a number of discounted games and special offers on PSP titles and DLC content. There are three new downloadable games available and new PSP Essential titles. You can also find five new Minis titles and new game add-on content.
European PlayStation Store Update for July 14th 2010

On the European PlayStation Store this week you can find a new downloadable game and the Blur multiplayer demo. There is new DLC for four new titles, and FirstPlay Episode 015 is also available to download. Finally, you can find a selection of new PSN Avatars, including Crash Commando and EyePet.
Driver: San Francisco Delayed Until 2011

Ubisoft’s Driver: San Francisco has been delayed until 2011, according to the publisher’s financial statements released last week. Ubisoft’s principle reason for the delay is the “competitive market at Christmas”. The game will now be released in Ubisoft’s fourth financial quarter, between January 1st and March 31st next year.
FirstPlay Episode 15 Details

Episode 15 of FirstPlay will be available to download from the European PlayStation Store later today, featuring a behind the scenes look at Killzone 3. The FirstPlay team go hands on with the game and also talk to the lovely folk at Guerrilla Games. This week’s episode also includes a preview of scuzzed-up crime shooter, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
US PlayStation Store Update for July 13th 2010

The US PSP Store has received a very small update this week consisting of a new downloadable game, a new demo and a small selection of game trailers. No game add-on content, XMB themes or new wallpapers this week. Check out the short list of new content below.
US PlayStation Store Update for July 13th 2010

This week on the US PlayStation Store you can find more free content for PlayStation Plus subscribers, including MAG dynamic themes (x3), LittleBigPlanet avatar and discounts on Resistance Aftermath Map Pack and Gravity Crash. The store also has two new downloadable games and two new playable demos to enjoy, as well as a selection of new add-on content, new avatars, game trailers and more.
PS3 To Get Firmware Updates for 3D PlayTV and YouTube

Over the next 12 months, Sony will be releasing further firmware updates in addition to adding 3D Blu-ray playback in September and supporting 3D photos. According to Mick Hocking, senior director of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, the company is also gearing up for more updates that will add 3D PlayTV playback and YouTube 3D support on the console.
ModNation Racers Patch Information

United Front Games, the developers behind ModNation Racers, are currently working on a patch for the title to bring several improvements requested by gamers. The patch is currently in testing and will be submitted to the PlayStation Store after passing Quality Assurance and approval from Sony.