On the European PSP Store this week you can find lots of new games to download, including four new PSP Essential titles, two new downloadable games, two new PSOne games and three new Minis titles. Other than all the new games, you can also find a new playable demo.
European PlayStation Store Update for July 28th 2010

On the European PlayStation Store this week you can find Karate Kid related special offers to celebrate the release of the new movie. You can also find two new downloadable games, including Earthwork Jim HD, and two new PSOne classics. There are also two new Minis and two playable demos. Check out the full list of content below.
Sony Confirms Gamescom Press Conference Date

SCEE has confirmed that it will be holding its gamescom press conference on Tuesday August 17th at 5pm UK time, right after EA’s conference on the same day. Sony has also revealed a preliminary list of games that will be showcased at the expo (which can be found below).
Uncharted 2 Patch v1.09 Now Available

Naughty Dog has confirmed the release of a new title update for Uncharted 2. Patch version v1.09 is now available to download and includes a number of fixes and enhancement to the game. The cash awards for Elimination and Objective games have been altered too (detailed below).
Digital Comics Update for July 28th 2010

This week on the PSP Comic Store you can find two new free comics from DC, Bottle of Awesome #1 and Ex Machina. The second issue of Ex Machina is also on the store for just 79p. Also this week, IDW continues the epic tale of Dragon Age with the release of the second issue, and the return of Jurassic Park #1, 13 years since little Tim and Lex Murphy escaped from the island of Isla Sorna.
PS3 Firmware 3.41 Introduces Quick Updates

If you have updated your PlayStation 3 to Firmware 3.41, you may have noticed that the download was much quicker than previous updates. Somewhere in the past, Sony enabled quick “patches” to be downloaded to the console, rather than downloading the full firmware update which is over 130MB.
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Will Have DLC

Ubisoft revealed more details about upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood at Comic-Con. Among them were plans for DLC, multiplayer, and some hints about what will happen to Desmond. Although no specifics were mentioned, Ubisoft did confirm that DLC will be available for the title, perhaps in the form of new playable characters.
US PlayStation Store Update for July 27th 2010

There isn’t a lot of new content on the US PSP Store this week. You can find a new downloadable game for purchase and a new add-on pack for Buzz! Quiz World. You can also find a new game trailer and three premium XMB themes.
US PlayStation Store Update for July 27th 2010

This week on the US PlayStation Store you can find three new games, available to download for free if you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber. Four new PSOne Classics are available, as well as four new playable demos, including the Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days multiplayer demo. You can find lots of new game add-on content too, as well as new Avatars, Wallpapers and XMB themes.
MAG Patch v1.07 Available Early August

The next MAG patch will be available in early August, and for free. In just over a week from now, the patch will be released with a number of new features asked for by gamers. Improvements include new “Happy Hour”, where gamers get double XP for the first hour of their session in a 24 hour period.