A small update to the US PSP Store this week. You can find a new downloadable game and a new playable demo. You can also find two new game videos and two XMB themes. Check out the list of content below.
PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap Out Today

The second iteration of PixelJunk Racers will be available to download later today, and existing owners of the previous title will be able to download this update for free. Only PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to purchase and download this new version today – non-subscribers will have to wait two more weeks.
US PlayStation Video Store Update for August 6th 2010

This week on the US and Canada PlayStation Video Stores you can find Kick-Ass the movie available to own in HD or SD, and lots of action movies favorites from Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, and Jet Li, in The Expendables themed Deal of the Week.
European PlayStation Plus Content for September 2010 Revealed

If you are looking forward to what PlayStation Plus has in store for you next month, we have a list of new content below. In addition to the content listed below, SCEE also has plans for more exclusive content and surprise treats through August and September for you to enjoy. Highlights next month include the entire season of Sam & Max: Devil’s Playground and PSOne classic Oddword: Abe’s Oddysee.
LittleBigPlanet 2: Adventure Trailer Revealed

A new trailer for LittleBigPlanet 2 has been revealed, this time focusing on the story mode of the game. If you enjoyed the story mode of the original LittleBigPlanet, then the new adventure you and your Sackboy (or Sackgirl) are about to go on will blow you away. Get ready for an all-new adventure, with an amazing new cast of characters that will take Sackboy on an “out-of-this-world” adventure.
Gran Turismo 5 Signature Edition Announced

If you are one of those gamers who love Collector Editions of games, then Gran Turismo 5 has an edition you won’t want to miss out on. The Signature Edition of the game costs a €179.99 but comes packed with lots of content including a Metal sculpted box and a GT branded SLS AMG model car. If you are looking for something cheaper, you can also get the Collectors Edition for €79.99.
Red Dead Redemption Patch v1.03 Now Available

Red Dead Redemption has been updated to version v1.03 via a small patch. The patch is available for both the PS3 and Xbox 360 and contains a number of improvements and fixes for the game. The patch also includes new anti-griefing measures for Multiplayer Free Roam, which are detailed below.
European PlayStation Store Update for August 4th 2010

On the European PSP Store this week you can find special offers on four titles until August 18th, as well as a permanent price reduction on Need for Speed Shift. Two new downloadable games are available for purchase, including Ridge Racer, and there are two new Minis available too.
European PlayStation Store Update for August 4th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store you can find price reductions on a number of games. including Kick-Ass. You can now also download the full version of LittleBigPlanet from the store and another game is available for purchase too. Finally, you can find a new PSOne classic, two new Minis, lots of game add-on content and more.
Digital Comics Update for August 4th 2010

On the PSP Comic Store this week you can get a feww copy of Superman: War of the Supermen, from DC. This week also sees no less than four new issues of Vampire Hunter D Volume 2, completing the volume. Captain America also returns this week with six more issues.