Episode 21 of FirstPlay is now available to download from the PlayStation Store. This week’s episode features a review of Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, as well as a Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow hands-on with all-new footage, and a preview of the PlayStation Move’s launch line-up.
European PlayStation Store Update for August 25th 2010

A small update to the European PSP Store this week too. There is a new downloadable game available and five new titles have been added to the PSP Essentials collection. You can also find two new Minis titles and a new PSOne classic. No new game add-on content or themes this week.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 24th 2010

A very small update to the US PSP Store this week. You can find a new downloadable and a new Minis title to download. Apart from that, there is a small selection of premium XMB themes available for purchase.
Digital Comics Update for August 25th 2010

This week on the PSP Comics store you can find a new comic based on the acclaimed and hugely popular video-game Starcraft. This sizzling sci-fi action comic, set just before the events of Starcraft II, follows the War Pigs, a disbanded team of shady outlaws reunited for one last mission. Even better, the first episode is free to download.
European PlayStation Store Update for August 25th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store you can find lots of special offers on various PSN titles. You can also find two new downloadable games and a new playable demo to enjoy. In addition to new game add-on content, you can also find new wallpaper, XMB themes, and PSN avatars.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 24th 2010

This week on the US PlayStation Store you can find the second and final PlayStation Plus update for August. You can also find four new downloadable games and three new playable demos to enjoy. Game add-on content is quite a small list this week but there are plenty of new game trailers and XMB themes to download.
MotorStorm Pacific Rift In 3D Next Week

If you have a 3D TV, you will be happy to know that MotorStorm 3D Rift hits the PlayStation Store next week in stereoscopic 3D. MotorStorm 3D Rift lets you experience 10 MotorStorm Pacific Rift tracks in stunning 3D and features a selection of festival-favourite off-road vehicles: Bikes, Buggies, Racing Trucks and Monster Trucks.
PlayTV Is Set To Get Even Better

PlayTV is set to get a massive update before the end of the year, as mentioned by Andy House at gamescom last week. The update will be available to all existing and new customers later in the year, and will include enhanced social features, better programme guide and more. Check out that the update has in store for you below.
US PlayStation Video Store Update for August 21st 2010

This week on the US and Canadian Video Store you can rent The Disappearance of Alice Creed in HD and SD on your PS3 — while it’s still in theaters — and watch it from the comfort of your own home. Also be sure to check out this week’s Deal of the Week, featuring a great sale on anime favorite Death Note Season 1, awesome films from Sony including Charlie’s Angels, Cruel Intentions, XXX, and Last Action Hero.
Visit gamescom in PlayStation Home

Couldn’t attend gamescom 2010 this year? Visit the expo virtually in PlayStation Home instead. The gamescom space will be available for two week and features the latest game trailers, multiplayer games and more. I other Home related updates, you can now find MAG personal spaces from Estates and more Star Wars furniture.