Yesterday, PlayStation celebrated its 15th anniversary in North America. Fifteen years ago, the original PlayStation console was introduced, forever altering the entertainment experience for our loyal PlayStation fans and revolutionizing the video game industry.
New inFamous 2 Gameplay Video

For those of you that haven’t seen this already, check out the below brand-new gameplay footage of inFamous 2 that was first shown behind closed doors at gamescom and then last week at PAX in Seattle. You’ll get to see one of Cole’s brand new electrical powers – the Kinetic Pulse – with which he can now hurl enormous objects (i.e. cars!) around the environment.
European PlayStation Store Update for September 8th 2010

This week on the European PlayStation Store you can find new special offers on several titles. You can also find PSN title Top Gun available for purchase, and a new Minis title. The Quantum Theory playable demo is available for download as well as lots of new game add-on content.
Digital Comics Update for September 8th 2010

On the PSP Comic Store this week you can find Dungeons & Dragons. Issue #0 is a special edition featuring two stories to introduce you to the upcoming D&D worlds. Thor returns in the Marvel 1952-vintage Journey Into Mystery with issues #87-#90 now available for purchase.
PlayStation Move: The Ultimate FAQ

With the PlayStation Move available this month, many of you are still likely to have questions about the new controller, how it works and what the benefits are. Sony has put together the ultimate FAQ to answer these questions and more, which you can find below.
European PlayStation Store Update for September 8th 2010

Nothing new on the European PSP Store this week except for a new Minis title. The PSP Mini Flying Hamster is now available for purchase, and that all for this week.
US PlayStation Store Update for September 7th 2010

This week on the US PlayStation Store you can find the first of two PlayStation Plus updates for September. This PlayStation Plus update includes Warhawk related offers, the latest Episode of Qore and more. Elsewhere on the store, you can find four new playable demos, lots of game add-on content and new PSN avatars.
US PlayStation Store Update for September 7th 2010

Another small update to the US PSP Store this week with two new downloadable games and a new Minis title. You can also find the latest edition of PULSE and a selection of premium XMB themes.
PlayStation 3 Firmware v3.42 Now Available

A new firmware update is now available for the PlayStation 3. Firmware version v3.42 doesn’t add anything new to the software, but simply includes security fixes for the console. The new update disables the use of the recent USB dongle hack, whether it’s the Groove, the Jailbreak, or the PS Freedom.
FirstPlay Episode 23 Details

Episode 23 of FirstPlay will be available to download from the PlayStation Store tomorrow and will come with a exclusive Landit Bandit dynamic theme. You can also find a preview of new Bond blockbuster Blood Stone 007, and the first of many PlayStation Move reviews, Start The Party and Sports Champions.