If you are looking forward to what SCEA has in store for you in the second PlayStation Plus update for September, then you don’t have to wait until next week to find out. SCEA has revealed the list of exclusive content for next week’s PlayStation Plus update, which includes three free games, early access to the Sword & Soldiers demo and more.
New PlayStation Move TV Adverts
The PlayStation Move is out to own later this week, and Sony have released some new TV adverts to promote the new controller. The new adverts were shown off over the weekend in the UK during Big Brother and in the Everton v Manchester United football game.
Heavy Rain Move Edition Coming in October
Heavy Rain Move Edition will be available for purchase in early October. However, if you already own the game, you will be able to download a free patch that will update your copy of the game to support the Move controllers. A demo of the game will be available to download from PlayStation Store on 15th September.
PlayStation Plus: Two Exclusive Demos for Europe
This week on the PlayStation Store, PlayStation Plus subscribers can find two exclusive demos to enjoy over the weekend – before anyone else. Plus subscribers can download the PES 2011 playable demo for the PS3 and PSP owners can download the God of War: Ghost of Sparta demo before general public release.
PlayStation: 15 Years In The Making…
Yesterday, PlayStation celebrated its 15th anniversary in North America. Fifteen years ago, the original PlayStation console was introduced, forever altering the entertainment experience for our loyal PlayStation fans and revolutionizing the video game industry.
New inFamous 2 Gameplay Video
For those of you that haven’t seen this already, check out the below brand-new gameplay footage of inFamous 2 that was first shown behind closed doors at gamescom and then last week at PAX in Seattle. You’ll get to see one of Cole’s brand new electrical powers – the Kinetic Pulse – with which he can now hurl enormous objects (i.e. cars!) around the environment.
European PlayStation Store Update for September 8th 2010
This week on the European PlayStation Store you can find new special offers on several titles. You can also find PSN title Top Gun available for purchase, and a new Minis title. The Quantum Theory playable demo is available for download as well as lots of new game add-on content.
Digital Comics Update for September 8th 2010
On the PSP Comic Store this week you can find Dungeons & Dragons. Issue #0 is a special edition featuring two stories to introduce you to the upcoming D&D worlds. Thor returns in the Marvel 1952-vintage Journey Into Mystery with issues #87-#90 now available for purchase.
PlayStation Move: The Ultimate FAQ
With the PlayStation Move available this month, many of you are still likely to have questions about the new controller, how it works and what the benefits are. Sony has put together the ultimate FAQ to answer these questions and more, which you can find below.
European PlayStation Store Update for September 8th 2010
Nothing new on the European PSP Store this week except for a new Minis title. The PSP Mini Flying Hamster is now available for purchase, and that all for this week.