The saga of the Transformers’ secret war on Earth begun in The Transformers: Infiltration continues with Phase Two: Transformers: Escalation on the PSP Comic Store this week. You can also find Ender’s Game (2008): Battle School, as well as parallel series Ender’s Shadow (2008): Battle School, as well as the original Star Trek comics series continues with 34 issues.
E3 2011: Trailer Round-up – Uncharted 3, Resistance 3 and Dust
Check out the hottest trailers directly from E3 2011. Below you can find new trailers for some upcoming games including Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, Resistance 3 and Dust 514.
E3 2011: PlayStation Vita Trailer
At E3 2011, the Sony NGP got an official name: PlayStation Vita. The new name was announced at Sony’s Press Conference yesterday by Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kazuo Hirai. If that wasn’t enough, check out the new trailer for the Vita below, full of surprise game announcements directly from E3.
E3 2011: PlayStation Vita Will be Available Christmas 2011
Kaz Hirai has announced that the PlayStation Vita will be available to purchase during the Christmas Season. The Vita will be available in two models Wifi and Wifi / 3G. In addition to revealing a release date, Harai also announced that retail price for the new portable console.
E3 2011: LittleBigPlanet Coming to PlayStation Vita
Just like ModNation Racers, an entirely new version of LittleBigPlanet will be heading to the PlayStation Vita. Once again, the Vita’s hardware will be used to make creating levels and playing the different levels much easier. The level toolbox has been updated and optimized for touch controls, so players can create levels with the use of their fingers.
E3 2011: ModNation Racers Coming to PlayStation Vita
ModNation Racers will be getting a new title, just for the PlayStation Vita. Announced at Sony’s E3 2011 Press Conference, the PlayStation Vita version of the game isn’t a port of the PS3 or PSP versions. It is entirely a new game, making use of the Vita’s unique feature set.
E3 2011: NGP Confirmed to be Called PlayStation Vita
The rumor from last week has been confirmed – the NGP will be called the PlayStation Vita. Kaz Hirai announced the new name at Sony’s E3 2011 Press Conference in Los Angeles earlier today. The PlayStation Vita will include dual analogue sticks, two cameras and dual touch-screens.
E3 2011: Sony Announced Official PlayStation 3DTV
At the E3 2011 Press Conference, Sony has announced an official 3D display as part of the PlayStation range. To go along with the new 3D display, Sony is also releasing a official pair of 3D glasses compatible with a number of 3D TVs. One pair of the glasses will come with the Official 3D display.
Sony E3 2011 Press Conference – Watch It Live Right Here
Sony’s E3 2011 Press Conference is due to start very soon – 5pm PST on June, 6th 2011 / 1AM BST on June, 7th 2011. We’ve got a live stream of the Conference for you to enjoy right here (see below). Let us know your thoughts in the Comments section below.
Visualizing PlayStation’s E3 Legacy
In a few hours, Sony takes the stage at E3 2011 in Los Angeles for their annual press conference. No doubt, Sony has revealed many new games, hardware and more in previous E3 events. While we don’t have any details about what will be announced today, lets take a step back in time and see what Sony has revealed over the years. Check out the infographic below.