Trial & Unlock (PS3)
- Dead Nation (£9.99/€12.99)
Lets face it… FirstPlay didn’t really work out for Sony and Future Publishing, who also run the Official PlayStation Magazine. After the first month of subscribing, even I canceled and moved on to other resources for my gaming fix. But its not over – Future Publishing has announced a new joint venture for a video show with Sony.
It’s not often that a game gets released earlier than expected, especially if you live in the UK. Sony has confirmed that Uncharted 3 will be released in the UK two days earlier than expected. Europe will see the release of the game on Wednesday the 2nd of November, one day after North America.
Sony will be bringing out a Network Pass program called PSN Pass, similar to some of the new games in the past few months. The pass will be a one-time use code that allows the gamer to access any online content for that particular game. Resistance 3 will be the first game to make use of PSN Pass.
Kevin Levine, Creative Director at Irrational Games, has released the full demonstration video of BioShock Infinite shows off at E3 earlier last month – all 15 minutes of it. Check it out for yourself below.
This week on the PlayStation Video Store you can find the Jake Gyllenhaal thriller Source Code, which doesn’t hit DVD and Blu-ray until the end of the month, but you can own or rent it now in both HD and SD on the PS3. Top Downloads is filled with the hottest films on the store today. This week, great movies like Sucker Punch, Battle: Los Angeles and Unknown top the charts.
Trial & Unlock (PS3)
Full Games (PS3)
This is the last PSP Comic Update for the PSP – sine the Comics Team will now working on bringing the comic service to other Sony devices. In the meantime, you can continue to download any of the over 4000 existing comics from the comic store as usual. Check out what’s new this week below.
The Uncharted 3 Beta went public earlier this week, opening up access to all PlayStation Network users. Since it went public, more than 1 million players have accessed the beta, and is rising every day. The first two games have been massive hits on the PlayStation 3, so its no doubt that games are excited about the third title.
New Release Games & DLC