Sony has confirmed that the PSP successor will be released in Japan in 2011, but all other regions will get the PlayStation Vita in “early 2012”. “Sony Corp. Executive Vice President Kazuo Hirai said Thursday the PlayStation Vita will go on sale by the end of the year in Japan, and early next year in the U.S. and Europe,” states MSN Money.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 2nd 2011
PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
- One Epic Game – PSN Exclusive ($3.99)
- Monochrome Racing ($4.99)
EU PlayStation Plus Content 3rd August – 7th September
This month’s selection of PlayStation Plus content is now online on the European PlayStation Store. This month you can get various discounts on the Assassin’s Creed titles, and PSN titles Comix Zone and Crash Commando for free. You can also get PSOne title Rayman and two new Minis titles.
Resistance 3 Goes Gold
Resistance 3 has gone gold, and has been delivered to manufacturing for its 7th, 8th and 9th September release dates across PAL. Insomniac is still working hard however in bringing a Day 1 patch to the game to update the Online component of the game. The multiplayer public beta begins August 10th for EU PS Plus subscribers, with changes made available in the Day 1 patch.
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 3rd 2011
Trial & Unlock (PS3)
- 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures 2 (£7.99/€9.99)
Full Games (PS3)
- Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 5
- echochrome II & Offical Soundtrack Bundle (£9.99/€12.99)
- Fat Princess Super-sized Anniversary Bundle (£11.99/€14.99)
- ModNation Racers (£24.99/€29.99)
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (£23.99/€29.99)
- Dragon Age: Origins (£23.99/€29.99)
- 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures + Fairy Tale Adventures Pack Bundle (£8.79/€10.99)
- Section 8: Prejudice (£9.99/€12.99)
PS Vita Can Be Used As A PS3 Controller
Sony have confirmed that you can use the PlayStation Vita as a PlayStation 3 controller, effectively offering up similar gameplay possibilities as Nintendo’s Wii U. There are severa possibilities on how the PSVita can be used alongside the PS3. Examples include using the PSVita as a secondary display or as an additional game controller, making use of the touch functionality.
Sucker Punch Productions Joins SCE World Wide Studios
Earlier today Sony announced Sucker Punch Productions, the developers behind the successful inFamous and Sly Cooper series’ has officially joined Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, becoming the sixteenth studio to join the PlayStation family.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 2nd 2011
PlayStation Plus
Free PSN: | Crash Commando |
Free PS One: | Destruction Derby |
Free minis: | Dr. Maybe and the Adventures of Scarygirl
OMG-Z! |
Exclusive Discounts: | One Epic Game Mini– New Release 50% off
Farm Frenzy Mini – 70% off |
Full Game Trial: | Dragon Age: Origins |
Free Dynamic Theme: | City Dynamic Theme |
Free Media: | Qore, August Episode – Single Episode |
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Arrives On PlayStation Network
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood will finally be available for digital download over the PlayStation Network Network on August 3rd, 2011 for €29.99/ £23.99. In addition to the game, Sony will also be releasing a set of 10 avatars at a price of €0.49/ £0.40 each. Two of these avatars, Ezio and the Harlequin, will be exclusive to PlayStation Plus users and come free with purchase of ACB HDD.
NTSC-J And NTSC-U PSone Classics Confirmed For SCEE
Sony Europe are preparing to release PSOne titles from US and Japan. Although they cannot confirm dates, a few are expected to be published to the PlayStation Store soon. It means that publishers that already have titles in the US and Japanese stores can apply to get their games added to the European PlayStation Stores too.