High Moon has released a new trailer upcoming Transformers title Fall Of Cybertron to celebrate the game’s launch. The game will be available to purchase in North America and Europe next week.
Gamescom 2012: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Trailer and Release Date Revealed
A new trailer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has been released from Gamescom 2012, showing over four minutes of footage from the game. In addition, the game’s release date has been narrowed down to February 2013, with a demo of the game coming with the Zone of Enders HD collection.
Sony: PSN Hack Claims are “Completely False”
Last night, there were rumours that the PlayStation Network was hacked for a second time, and 50GB of emails and passwords were leaked. However, Sony was quick to confirm that the claims “completely false” and that no user data was compromised.
EU PlayStation Store Update for August 15th 2012
Sound Shapes and Papo & Yo are available to download from the European PlayStation Store this week. You can also find new DLC, playable demos, PS Vita games and more.
Disney Bringing Toy Story and The Muppets to Wonderbook
At Sony’s Gamescom Press Conference, the company announced that Disney is working to bring several franchises to Wonderbook. Since then, we’ve learned that Disney are working to bring both Toy Story and The Muppets to the service. No further details about the Wonderbook were revealed.
The Last Of Us: Cinematic Process
Naughty Dog has published a number of videos to talk about the cinematic process, the performances, and the creative ideas at play in The Last of Us. Check out how the team creates the cinematic sequences using mo-cap, which has taken over two years of planning, writing, performance, scripting, animation, lighting, and artistry.
US PlayStation Store Update for August 14th 2012
This week on the North American PlayStation Store you can find the recently announced YouTube and Cruncyroll Apps. CS: Global Offensive is available for pre-order for $14.99 or $11.99 for PlayStation Plus members, and there are a number of new titles available for download too.
Gamescom 2012: Remember Me Trailer and Details
Remember Me is the newest title from Capcom for the PS3, first announced on Tuesday at Gamescom. We have more details about the game as well as a second trailer. Players will take on the role of Nilin and be swept into the future world of Neo-Paris where memories are bought and sold in an age where social media and sharing have been taken to the extreme.
DUST 514 Beta Opening Up to PlayStation Plus Subscribers
CCP Games has announced that PlayStation Plus subscribers will have open access to an upcoming DUST 514 beta event, which will take place between August 21st and September 4th. At the start of the beta, the developers will also be releasing the “Precursor” update to the game, adding new maps, gameplay features and more.
PlayStation Plus Content for September and October Revealed
At Sony’s Gamescom Press Conference, the company revealed that Red Dead Redemption will be September’s PlayStation Plus Game of the Month, as well as an increase in cloud storage from 150MB to 1GB. In addition, Sony has revealed further titles that will be joining PlayStation Plus over the next two months.