Sony has (finally) confirmed the existence of The Last of Us for the PS4, which will be called The Last of Us Remastered on the next-gen console. The PS4 has helped Naughty Dog remaster the PS3 game in 1080p resolution with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements.
US PlayStation Store Update for April 8th 2014

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, with new PS4, PS3, and PS Vita games available for purchase. LEGO The Hobbit is available to download on all platforms, and Child of Light is available for pre-order on the PS4 and PS3.
PAL PlayStation Store Chart for March 2014

Sony has released the PlayStation Store chart for Europe, revealing the top selling games on the PS3, PS4 and PS Vita. As expected, inFAMOUS Second Son was the top selling title on the PS4, while Minecraft is still the top selling PS3 title for the forth month running.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Patch Details Revealed

After months of silence, details have emerged of a new patch for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, which will rebalance some of the game’s mechanics. Sony’s Santa Monica Studio has released notes on what the patch will contain, but didn’t mention a release date.
FIFA 14 Back on Top of UK Games Chart

PS4 exclusive inFamous: Second Son enjoyed a good two weeks on top of the UK Games Chart, until this week, with FIFA 14 returning to the top. In fact, inFamous has dropped five places to finish in 6th position, with Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes one place ahead in 5th.
EU PlayStation Store Update for April 2nd 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with a number of new PS4, PS3 and PS Vita titles available for download, including Mercenary Kings (PS4), MLB 14 The Show (PS3, PS Vita) and Grand Theft Auto: iFruit.
US PlayStation Store Update for April 1st 2014

The first PlayStation Store update for April is now live in North America, with lots of new content available for download. New games include Mercenary Kings (PS4), which is free to download if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber; and MLB 14 The Show (PS3, PS Vita).
Killzone: Shadow Fall Patch v1.12 Now Available

A new patch for Killzone: Shadow Fall has been released to coincide with the release of the Insurgent DLC Pack available this week. The patch adds a number of new features and improvements to the game, including support for the new DLC, several bug fixes and improvement to connection quality.
Upcoming inFamous: Second Son Patch Adds New Features

Sucker Punch has started working on a new inFamous: Second Son patch for the PS4, adding a few small features requested by gamers, and will be releasing in coming weeks. Among the changes is the ability to change the time-of-day in the game, and disabling the HUD.
US PlayStation Plus Line-up for April 2014 Revealed

SCEA has unveiled the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection line-up for April 2014, revealing a number of different titles compared to Europe’s line-up. PS4 owners can look forward to Mercenary Kings, while Batman: Arkham City and Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse will be heading to the PS3.