Sony has a sneak peek planned for tonight for an upcoming PS4 game. At 8.00pm GMT/9:00pm BST/10.00pm CET, the Twitch PlayStation Channel will be broadcasting the gameplay. The only clue is a word highlighted on the PlayStation.Blog: “Blink and you’ll miss it.”
Minecraft PS4 and PS Vita Editions Coming August

Mojang has announced that Minecraft for PS4, Xbox One and Vita will be released in August. For the PS Vita edition, the game will be cross-buy compatible with the PS3 version, which means anyone who has purchased the PS3 version will get the PS Vita version for free. The PS4 version will be stand-along, but will cost just $19.99. PS3 gamers can upgrade to the PS4 version for just $4.99.
PlayStation Now Beta Now Available on PS4

The PlayStation Now beta has been available on the PS3 since January, but Sony has finally extended the beta to include the PS4 too. The PlayStation Now beta launched on the PS4 on May 20th, but is limited to North America like the PS3 beta. Beta codes were sent out to chosen gamers this week, to allow them to take part in the beta.
Watch_Dogs Launch Trailer Unveiled

Watch_Dogs hits the PS4 and PS3 very soon, and to celebrate, Ubisoft has released a new trailer for the game. The launch trailer is over a minute and a half long and shows footage of the game, along with quotes from the media who’s had the opportunity to play and review the game.
New Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Trailer

Monolith Productions has released a new trailer for upcoming PS4 and PS3 game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. The developers revealed that journalists were recently given the opportunity to go hands-on and experience the game. The game includes new locations including he Sea of Nurn, a brand new location and home to Lady Marwen, a tribal leader of Men in the region.
EU PlayStation Store Update for May 21st 2014

A number of new games are available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with three new PS4 games, five new PS3 games and a new PS Vita game added. New games include Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4, PS3), Sparkle 2 (Cross-buy, PS4, PS Vita) and Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time.
SingStar Coming Soon to PS4 with Mobile App

SingStar has been announced for the PS4, and will be coming to the console later this year. The game will come with a companion application that will be compatible with iOS and Android, letting you turn your smartphone into a microphone for the game. The app will also work with both the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game
Sony’s E3 Press Conference Confirmed for June 9th 2014

Sony has confirmed its E3 2014 press conference slot, which will scheduled for June 9th 2014 at 6PM PDT, which works out to be 2AM BST for the UK and 3AM for Europe. Sony’s press conference will be the on the same day as Microsoft’s Xbox Game On press conference, which take place at 9:30am that morning.
Top PSN Sellers for April 2014 in North America

SCEA has released the PlayStation Store chart for April 2014, revealing the top selling PS4, PS3 and PS Vita games last month. Minecraft is once again the top selling PS3 game, while Trials Fusion was the top selling game on the PS4. Recently released PS4 title Octodad: Dadliest Catch debuted on the chart in 2nd position.
EU PlayStation Store Update for May 7th 2014

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with three new PS4 games, five new PS3 games and two new PS Vita games added to the Store. New games include Bound By Flame (PS4, PS3), Titan Attacks! (all platforms with cross-buy) and God Of War Collection (PS3, PS Vita with cross-buy).