SCEE has revealed the PlayStation Plus content for July 2014, confirming the six new games that will be coming to the Instant Game Collection next month. Like June 2014’s update, July’s update includes two PS4 games in the collection: TowerFall Ascension and Strider. The line-up also includes two PS3 and two PS Vita games, all available from 2nd July 2014.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 24th 2014

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store with, four new PS4 games, six new PS3 games, six new PS Vita games and even a new PSP game. You can find a list of all the new content below, which includes TRANSFORMERS: Rise of the Dark Spark, GRID Autosport, and Atelier Rorona Plus.
PS3 System Software Ver. 4.60

Along side today’s PS4 firmware update, Sony has released a new firmware update for the PS3. The new PS3 firmware updates the system software to version v4.60 and simply improves system stability during the use of some features. The update is 197 MB in size and is required to access the PlayStation Network.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.72

Sony has released a new firmware update for the PS4 overnight, updating the system software to v1.72. The minor update weighs in at 194 MB and is mandatory if you want to continue to access the PlayStation Network. The update does nothing more than improve system stability.
Resogun’s Free Update Available Tomorrow

PS4 exclusive RESOGUN will be getting a free update late tomorrow evening (Sunday, June 22nd 2014). The update is free to download for all owners of the game, and lays the ground work for the forthcoming Heroes expansion due on Wednesday which will expand your RESOGUN experience with new modes, game world and more.
Europe Still Suffering from PS4 Shortages

Despite the PS4 launching in Europe in late November 2013 across Europe, the console is still suffering shortages eights months on. Sony is struggling to keep up with demand for the PS4, while Xbox One units patiently sit on shelves waiting for someone to purchase one. “We haven’t yet caught up with the initial demand across Europe.” explained Fergal Gara, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK. “We are still dealing with the day one market.”
Watch_Dogs Patch Now Available

Watch_Dogs has been patched on the PS3 and PS4 to fix a number of issues affecting the game. The patch will also be available on other platforms within the next week. The patch fixed a number of game-breaking bugs, including save data corruption, and issues with hacking within the game.
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Coming to PS4 on July 1st

DrinkBox Studios has announced that Guacamelee! will be coming to the PS4 on July 1st in North America, and July 2nd in Europe. The Super Turbo Championship Edition will cost just $14.99 / €14.99 and will include the original game, and both the costume and El Infierno DLC, along with some other new content.
EU PlayStation Store Update for June 18th 2014

New games are available on the PlayStation Store in Europe this week, with three new PS4 games, seven new PS3 games and three new PS Vita games. You can also find lots of new DLC content for games including Call Of Duty: Ghosts, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Dust 514 and more.
US PlayStation Store Update for June 17th 2014

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store, with new games available for pre-order and download. New games include EA Sports UFC (PS4), Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (PS3), and Magical Beat (PS Vita). Terraria is also available as part of the Instant Game Collection.