New content is available on the US PlayStation Store this week, with pre-orders opening up for a number of upcoming games, including LittleBigPlanet 3 and Assassin’s Creed Unity. You can also find three new PS4 games, three new PS3 games and four new PS Vita games to enjoy, along with this month’s Instant Game Collection.Read More
PlayStation Now May Support PS4 Games in Future

The PlayStation Now beta in North America is now in full swing, and while the service is currently only offering PS3 and PSN games, it sounds like Sony may open up the platform further to support all PlayStation games, including PS4 titles. An unnamed Sony representative sent Kotaku information about the PlayStation Now service following an interview with Jack Buser, the Senior Director for PlayStation Now.
Bungie Release Destiny Beta Stats

Bungie has released a statistical infographic showing of some of the stats from the recent Destiny beta. The game has over 4.6 million players across all the platforms combined, who racked up over 3.7 billion kills. In addition, 853,235 concurrent players joined the game simulatenously at the beta’s busiest period. Check out more stats in the infographic below.
The Last of Us is Back on Top of UK Charts

Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us has taken the top spot in the UK charts once again, thanks to the Remastered edition of the game for the PS4. The PS4 title has managed to beat multi-format Watch_Dogs, which has dominated the charts for the last several weeks. The Last of Us Remastered is the fifth largest release of 2014 to date and also the fourth largest launch on the PlayStation 4, just behind InFamous: Second Son.
PlayStation Plus Line-up for August 2014 Confirmed for North America

SCEA has revealed the new games coming to PlayStation Plus this month, which are mostly similar to what Europe is getting. Two of the games in this month’s collection will be completely new, and available to PlayStation Plus subscribers the day they’re released on the PlayStation Store: Road Not Taken (PS4) and Metrico (PS Vita).
Sony Sells 3.5 Million PlayStation Consoles Last Quarter

Sony has revealed that a massive 3.5 million PlayStation consoles (PS4, PS3 and PS2) have been sold, but didn’t go into specifics to reveal how many of each were actually sold. When comparing it to Xbox sales over the same period, which sold 1.1 million units, PlayStation outsold its rival by 3:1. At the same time, sales of PS Vita and PSP jumped to 750,000 from 600,000 this time last year.
PlayStation Now Open Beta Live in North America

As announced at E3 2014 in June, the PlayStation Now open beta is now available in North America, open to all PS4 owners in both the US and Canada. As part of this Open Beta, PS4 users will see PS Now titles fully integrated into PlayStation Store, available to be streamed for various rental durations, including 7-days, 30-days or 90-days.
EU PlayStation Store Update for July 30th 2014

Lots of new content is available on the European PlayStation Store this week, with several new games added. New games include The Last of Us Remastered (PS4), Pure Pool (PS4), Rogue Legacy (Cross-buy) and LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids (PS Vita). You can also find new DLC content for all three platforms.
European PlayStation Plus Line-up for August 2014 Revealed

SCEE has revealed the six new games coming to the Instant Game Collection next month, which includes FEX, Crysis 3 and LEGO Harry Potter. The new games will be available from next week, August 6th 2014, which also means that July’s games will be removed. Be sure to download July’s games if you haven’t done so already.
inFamous: First Light will be Available on Blu-ray in Europe

Sony has announced that the inFamous: First Light DLC will be getting a disc release in Europe on September 10th. The DLC is not part of inFamous: Second Son, and can be played without owning the full game. First Light tells the story of Fetch and the events of her life leading up to Second Son, exploring her time in Curdun Cay and various other new environments.