If you’ve been holding out for the PlayStation Plus Edition of DRIVECLUB, you may be waiting a long time for it’s release. The game has suffered problem after problem since launch, and has seen several patches to update the game’s performance and the addition of new features.
The Last of Us Gets New DLC Today
New DLC content is coming to The Last of Us today, with 70 pieces of new content available, including new weapons, taunts, skills, and animations. Most of the content is cross-buy with the PS3 too. Naughty Dog hasn’t clarified if all the new content is free to Season Pass holders, however. The DLC is already available in North America, and coming to Europe today.
US PlayStation Store Update for December 9th 2014

New games are available on the US PlayStation Store today, with four new PS4 games, five new PS3 games and six new PS Vita games. New games include Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, Scourge Outbreak and Suikoden II. You can also find new add-on content, themes and avatars.
12 Deals of Christmas: Day Five

New Deals for Christmas went live earlier today, giving PS4 and PS3 owners discount on Destiny, while PS Vita owners can get over 80% off on Street Fighter X Tekken, with PS+ subscribers getting an additional 10% off on top of that. The Digital Guardian Edition of Destiny is also on discount too.
Are you ready for Football Manager 15?

Anyone with more than a passing interest in football will have been following the FA Cup third-round draw on Monday evening and will doubtless have enjoyed the show put on by Blyth Spartans against Hartlepool United last Friday night in the second round.
Nathan Drake Gets a Makeover in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

Sony and Naughty Dog revealed the first gameplay video for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End over the weekend at PlayStation Experience. In the video, you’ll notice that Nathan Drake looks vastly different to his PS3 days in the previous four Uncharted games. In fact, a side-by-side comparison (below) shows you just how different he looks in the PS4 title.
DRIVECLUB Weather Patch Now Available

DRIVECLUB patch v1.08 is now available to download, weighing in at 1.4 GB. The patch adds dynamic weather to the game, available both online and offline. The patch also adds two new tracks and a number of improvements to the game, including bug fixes and performance improvements.
Watch: All the Trailers from PlayStation Experience

PlayStation Experience saw a number of new announcements and trailers for upcoming games to all three of Sony’s consoles. You may have already seen the Uncharted 4 gameplay trailer and the Final Fantasy VII trailer, but here’s the other trailers and videos from the event.
Final Fantasy VII Port Coming to PS4

At PlayStation Experience, Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy VII is coming to the PS4, which is sure to make fans of the game happy. However, it’s not the remake we were all hoping for – instead, it’s a port of the PC version of the game. Details on potential changes to the game are unavailable at the moment, so it could be a straight port of the game.
12 Deals of Christmas: Day Four

On the fourth day of Christmas, PlayStation game to me: PES 2015 and Child of Light. New deals are available today as part of Sony’s 12 Deals of Christmas. PES 2015 (PS4, PS3) and Child of Light (PS Vita) are on offer until Tuesday midday, with massive discounts and up to an additional 20% off if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber.